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I felt then as one would feel set close to warring regiments of stars, made witness to the death-throes of a universe, or swept through space and held above the whirling coils of Andromeda's nebula to watch its birth agonies of nascent suns.

It need hardly be said that, under these circumstances, Hozier was the one man in whose company she would feel reasonably safe. But she could not see him anywhere. Coke and Watts, with the Brazilians and a couple of Germans, were on the bridge, but Hozier was not to be found. At last she hailed one of the Andromeda's men whom she met in a gangway. "Mr. Hozier, miss?" said he.

Men grow callous when money tilts the scale against human lives. "There's no news of the Andromeda, and her rate is all right," he said. David scowled at him. "D n the rate!" he cried. "I want to 'ear of the ship. Wot the " But his subordinate vanished. David read a few more letters. Some were from the families of such of the Andromeda's crew as lived in South Shields, the Hartlepools, Whitby.

But, perhaps that was a mistake; at any rate, here was the messenger, and she resolutely screwed her knuckles into her eyes and began to dress. In a few minutes she was on deck. A long coat, a Tam o' Shanter, and a pair of list slippers will go far in the way of costume at night in the tropics, and the Andromeda's seventeenth day at sea had brought the equator very near.

His theory is rather borne out by the present state of the ship's larder. I assure you that few tramp steamers spread a table like the Andromeda's mess during this voyage." Iris laughed, with a spontaneous merriment that was rather astonishing in her own ears. "Being the owner's niece, I am well catered for?" she cried. "Something of the sort. It is only natural."

He knew that Perseus's task is not done when he has loosed Andromeda's chains, for her limbs are numb with bondage, and she cannot rise and walk, but clings to him with dragging arms as he beats back to land with his burden. Well, he had strength for both it was her weakness which had put the strength in him.

But the remembrance of his brave deed was left behind; and Andromeda's rock was shown at Iopa in Palestine till more than a thousand years were past. So Perseus and the Phoenicians rowed to the westward, across the sea, till they came to the pleasant Isles of Hellas, and Seriphos, his ancient home.

Now, I reelly sent for you to-day to tell you I mean to better the supplies this trip Yes, honest Injun!" for the Andromeda's skipper had clutched the cigar out of his mouth with the expression of a man who vows to heaven that he cannot believe his ears "I'm goin' to bung in an extry 'undred to-morrow in the way of stores. Funny, isn't it?" "Funny! It's a meracle!"

"It is also fairly evident that I am the only man of the Andromeda's company whom you have not bribed to obey you. Well, be warned now by me. If circumstances fail to justify your change of route, I shall make it my business to settle at least one revolution in Brazil by cracking your skull."

The first speaker turned, glanced at the Brothers reef, behind which the Andromeda's boat had vanished that morning, and nodded dubiously. The man at the wheel growled an order, and the engine started again. Though Hozier knew not what was said, the significance of this pantomime was not lost on him.