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People have been in the habit of pickling these berries, from which some dangerous symptoms have arisen; it is probable that the vinegar may have been the means of checking its bad effects. It should, however, never be used as food. EUPHORBIA amygdaloides.

Here, therefore, we shall at present rest the argument, with endeavouring to show that such is actually the case. It appears from Cronstedt's Mineralogy, that the rock-stone, called trap by the Swedes, the amygdaloides and the schwarts-stein of the Germans, are the same with the whin-stone of this country. This is also fully confirmed by specimens from Sweden, sent me by my friend Dr Gahn.

Whatever, therefore, shall be ascertained with regard to our whin-stone, may be so far generalized or extended to the countries of Norway, Sweden, and Germany. The whin-stone of Scotland is also the same with the toad-stone of Derbyshire, which is of the amygdaloides species; it is also the same with the flagstone of the south of Staffordshire, which is a simple whin-stone, or perfect trap.

Voluta nodosa, Sowerby. Phorus extensus, Sowerby. Nautilus centralis, Sowerby. Aturia ziczac, Bronn. Syn. Nautilus ziczac, Sowerby. London clay. Belosepia sepioidea, De Blainv. London clay. Leda amygdaloides, Sowerby. London clay. Astropecten crispatus, E. Forbes. The marine shells of the London Clay confirm the inference derivable from the plants and reptiles in favour of a high temperature.

Such is the lapis amygdaloides, and many of our whin-stone rocks, which contain pebbles crystallized and variously figured, both calcareous, siliceous, and of a mixture in which both these substances form distinct parts.

These are the agates, calcedonies, calcareous and zeolite nodules, which are found produced in our whin-stone or subterraneous lavas, that is, the amygdaloides of Crondstedt. Naturalists explain the formation of those nodular bodies differently.