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Amgrad led her through so many streets, lanes, and alleys, that both grew weary with walking: at last, however, they came into a street, having a great gate at the end of it, which, being shut, prevented their going further. The gate, which had a seat on each side of it, belonged to a house fronting the street.

Amgrad continued at the table with the more pleasure, being under no apprehensions at the consequence of the lady's indiscretion, who ought not to have broken open the door, had it even been Amgrad's own house. They drank and laughed, and drank again, till Bahader arrived, disguised as a slave.

Madam, said he, thinking of something else besides what perplexed him, there is nothing in what you fancy; this is my common dinner, and no exraordinary preparations, I assure you. Come, sir, said she, you must certainly be hungry after bathing; let us eat and enjoy ourselves. Amgrad, complying at last with her request, sat down to table.

Prince Amgrad waited for his brother till the evening with great impatience; but when it was two, three, and four of the clock in the morning, and Assad not returned, his sorrow was so very violent, that he grew almost desperate. He spent the night in that dismal condition, and, as soon as it was day, went to the city, which, on entering, he was surprised to see but very few Mussulmen.

The lady, having eaten a bit, took a bottle and glass, and poured out some wine; then, having drunk to Amgrad, filled another and presented it to him, who pledged her. The more the prince reflected on this adventure, the more he was anaazed that the master of the house did not appear, and that a house so elegant and well furnished should be left without a servant.

Amgrad, when he saw the door forced open, gave himself up as a lost man: he reflected whether it would be more advisable to go into the house, or to retreat as fast as he could, to avoid the danger which he believed inevitable, and was just going to have recourse to the latter, when the lady returned. Seeing that he did not enter, Why do not you come into your house? said she.

While Giendar was gone, the two princes were seized with a violent thirst, occasioned by the fear of death, notwithstanding their steadfast resolution to submit to the king their father's cruel order. Prince Amgrad showed his brother a fountain not far off. Ah, brother! said Assad, we have but a short time to live, and what need have we to quench our thirst? We can bear it a few minutes longer.

Queen Badoura might have imagined, by the example of her son Amgrad, that prince Assad, who was as virtuous as the other, would not be pleased with such a declaration of love as had been made to his brother: yet that did not hinder her persisting in so abominable a design; she wrote him a billet the next day, which she trusted with an old woman belonging to the palace to convey to him.

Where have you been? What have you been doing, that you came no sooner? My lord, replied Bahader, I ask your pardon; I was endeavouring to do as you ordered me, and could not despatch it sooner: besides, I did not think you would come home so early. You are a rascal! said Amgrad; and I shall bang your sides for you, to teach you to lie, and to fail me another time.

Go, and lose no time. Amgrad would have made an excuse, but the master of the horse would not let him, forcing him to go to the lady. He had scarcely entered the hall before Balmder's friends arrived. Bahader called them to him, and apologized his not entertaining them that day, telling them they would approve of the reason when they knew it, which should be in due time.