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"If we have people in the country then, as you were saying, do you know for whom my first fancy would be? You may be amused, but it would be for the Castledeans." "I see. But why should I be amused?" "Well, I mean I am myself. I don't think I like her and yet I like to see her: which, as Amerigo says, is 'rum." "But don't you feel she's very handsome?" her father inquired.

By his voyage Orellana connected the Spanish and Portuguese "spheres of influence" in the New World of Amerigo. By the year 1540 the main outlines of Central and South America and something of the interior had been made known by the Spanish adventurers within half a century of Columbus' first voyage.

"'Risk' it?" "Well, morally from the point of view I was talking of; that of our sinking deeper into sloth. Our selfishness, somehow, seems at its biggest down there." Maggie had allowed him the amusement of her not taking this up. "Is Charlotte," she had simply asked, "really ready?" "Oh, if you and I and Amerigo are.

The provisioning was done by a Florentine merchant named Juonato Beradi, who had an assistant named Amerigo Vespucci who, by a strange accident, was afterwards to give his name to the continent of the New World. While these preparations were going on the game of diplomacy was being played between the Courts of Spain and Portugal.

Immediately after Columbus's third, voyage, in 1498, and after the news of Vasco da Gama's successful passage to the Indies had made it necessary to discover some strait leading from the "West Indies" to India itself, a Spanish gentleman, named Hojeda, fitted out an expedition at his own expense, with an Italian pilot on board, named Amerigo Vespucci, and tried once more to find a strait to India near Trinidad.

In another portion of that work, containing some very slight notices of these four voyages, his name is altered to Albericus . A modern author, we know not on what authority, names him Amerigo Vespucci . In all these publications, the authors or editors have used their endeavours to deprive the illustrious Columbus of the well earned glory of being the discoverer of the New World, and to transfer that honour most undeservedly to Americus, whose name has long been indelibly affixed to this new grand division of our globe.

Assingham, meanwhile, at table, on the stairs, in the carriage or the opera-box, might with her constant overflow of expression, for that matter, and its singularly resident character where men in especial were concerned look across at Amerigo in whatever sense she liked: it was not of that Maggie proposed to be afraid.

Nevertheless, Verrazano's voyage developed into the French colonization of Canada, just as Cabot drew the British to Newfoundland, Columbus the Spaniards to Central and South America, and Amerigo Vespucci showed the Portuguese the way to Brazil. The modern nations of western Europe owe the inception of their great colonies in America to four Italians. Jacques Cartier

The point of view that one was what she read in their free contemplation, in that of the whole eight; there was something in Amerigo to be explained, and she was passed about, all tenderly and expertly, like a dressed doll held, in the right manner, by its firmly-stuffed middle, for the account she could give.

There would be a process of her own by which she might do differently in respect to Amerigo and Charlotte a process quite independent of any process of theirs.