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Alvarado spoke, finally, and, after presenting the charges in due form, continued: "The individual enemy to the government is like the fly to the lion; it cannot harm, but it can annoy. We must brush away the fly as a vindication of our dignity, and take precaution that he does not return, even if we have to bend our heads to tie his little legs.

They accordingly sent a commission to Alonzo de Alvarado, then at La Plata, constituting him captain-general of the royal army against Giron, with unlimited power to use the public treasure, and to borrow money for the service of the war in case the exchequer should fail to supply sufficient for the purpose.

Alvarado and his men, fully armed, attended as spectators, and when the hapless natives were engaged in one of their ceremonial dances, they fell upon them suddenly, sword in hand. Then followed a great and dreadful slaughter. Unarmed, and taken unawares, the Aztecs were hewn down without resistance.

In consequence of this determination, Alvarado was sent to Cuba with an account of all our proceedings, and in the mean time we determined to extend our discoveries as far as possible.

They cruised up and down the bay "and made many Descents into the country," "where we got Indian Corn to eat with the Beef, and other Flesh, that we got by the way." They also attacked Alvarado, a little, protected city on the river of that name, but they lost heavily in the attack. Of the sixty pirates engaged, ten or eleven were killed or desperately wounded.

Meanwhile, Alvarado, roused by the noise of the attack on this quarter, hastened to the support of his officer, when Almagro, seizing the occasion, pushed across the bridge, dispersed the small body left to defend it, and, falling on Alvarado's rear, that general saw himself hemmed in on all sides.

Las Casas boldly took up the challenge and selected for the trial a part of the country called "The Land of War." Alvarado had carried on a terrible war in Guatemala. Thousands of Indians had been killed, tortured, and made slaves.

"You you live there?" stammered the invalid, with a troubled expression the first and only change to the complete happiness that had hitherto suffused his face. "You and your name is is Ma " "Alvarado," said Don Caesar, gently. "Caesar Alvarado." "You said Masters," said the old man, with sudden querulousness. "No, good friend. I said Alvarado," returned Don Caesar, gravely.

At this time he entrusted to Alvarado the command of three hundred infantry, one hundred and sixty cavalry, and four cannon, with a body of Indian auxiliaries, with which he set out for the south of Mexico, to conquer Guatemala.

I thought, "it has begun already." The festivities were to last a week, every one taking part but Alvarado and Doña Martina. The latter was not strong enough, the governor cared more for duty than for pleasure. The next day we had a merienda on the hills behind the town. The green pine woods were gay with the bright colors of the young people.