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"And when God Almighty washes Daylight's soul out on the last big slucin' day," MacDonald interrupted, "why, God Almighty'll have to shovel gravel along with him into the sluice-boxes." "Dot iss goot," Olaf Henderson muttered, regarding the gambler with profound admiration. "Ver' good," affirmed French Louis. "I t'ink we take a drink on dat one time, eh?"

"And I tell you, Elkanah Daniels, I'll have no blasphemy here. That little sanctuary up the road is founded on a rock and neither you nor any of your Phariseein' priest-worshipin' crew can shake it. The Almighty'll protect His own. As for the Reg'lar church, that's no concern of mine." "But I tell you 'tis your concern. Or if the church isn't, your own family is." "My my family?"

I wish to ask your permission that we may be married." The brows went up with a rush; the stiff hairs stood out like a roof above the cold angry eyes. For a moment Don Roberto stared at the speaker as if he had not heard; then he sprang to his feet, his red face purple. "Get out of my house, you damned vagabond!" he shouted. "Go as fast as God Almighty'll let you.

"And on quarter-day, ma'am, 'twill be your turn. It beats me how you can take it so quiet." Let's be thankful we're not like they poor folk abroad, to have our homes overrun by this War." "'War'?" Nicky-Nan recollected himself with an effort. "Seemin' to me you're all taken up with it. As though there weren't other things in this world " "If only the Almighty'll send my Sam home safe an' well!"

"It's not a big wage," said the man; "but if I give you a hand, perhaps the Almighty'll give me one in return." "Well, we've no one but Him to hold to, we poor creatures," answered Lasse. "But I shall thank you in my grave." The cottager arrived by four o'clock, and Lasse was able to begin his holiday from that hour.

"Hell, no; I'm a sorter sheriff down Saint Louee way, an' all I want fer ter do now is just git back thar as fast as God Almighty'll let me." "I see, yer a headin' in the wrong direction. I reckon yer mus' be one o' them parties whut we done yanked outer thet keel-boat down river las' night, aint yer?" "I reckon I wus; whut of it?"

Forbye that, within the last few months he's driven the smugglers off the coast, and deprived us o' monny an honest soverin' in helpin' them t' and theor stuff. And then he's got the gob t' tell me that if aa divvent change me ways, the Almighty'll dee God knaw's what tiv us! He'll myek sickness cum, and mebbies tyek sum o' th' bairns frae us.

"It's not a big wage," said the man; "but if I give you a hand, perhaps the Almighty'll give me one in return." "Well, we've no one but Him to hold to, we poor creatures," answered Lasse. "But I shall thank you in my grave." The cottager arrived by four o'clock, and Lasse was able to begin his holiday from that hour.

'Take this ring off of my finger and keep it, says he. 'I've got nothing else to give you, but I reckon the Almighty'll foot your bill, for you're a first-class Christian, if ever there was one. Then he went in, and Bough buried him in regular fancy style " "And sent the girl to the nuns at Gueldersdorp, or was she there already?"