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"He took me along the alleyway and unlocked a door. 'There, says he, 'there's your room. Ye share wi' the Third. It was a smelly little hole, and so dark I could scarcely make out the bunks. "'I haven't a boiler-suit with me, I said, and he looked at me. He was a younger man than I was, and I felt it would be strange to have to take orders from him.

He could not keep it to himself; and on board ship there is only one man to whom it is worth while to unburden yourself. On his passage back the hands in the alleyway swore at him for a fool. Why didn't he bring that lamp? What the devil did the coolies matter to anybody? And when he came out, the extremity of the ship made what went on inside of her appear of little moment.

The space beyond the exit doors was used as an alleyway for the return of the animals to the starting point. It will be necessary at various points in later descriptions to refer to these several figures.

From the lowliest hut of straw and plaster to the little better house of the chief criminal, cheap, but very gay decorations fluttered in honor of the coming hospital. The people stood about in small groups. The many kimonos, well patched in varied colors, lent a touch of brilliancy to the sordid alleyway, haunted with ghosts of men and women, dead to all things spiritual.

There followed an echoing thud against the forward partition. Picking himself up smartly, Lanyard crept several paces down the alleyway, flattening against the wall, straining his vision, listening intently, rewarded by neither sign nor sound of his antagonist. That one must have been swift to advantage himself of Lanyard's tumble.

It seemed as though an hour passed before he reached the bottom, and his brain was shrieking at him to hurry, hurry, HURRY! The entryway at last, the door, the alleyway, a long breath of relief and he was on the cross street. A step, two, he took in the direction of the Bowery and he was bending down as though to tie his shoe, his automatic, from his side pocket, concealed in his hand.

He licked his lower lip and scowled, sighed gustily and made a swift grab for his automatic. A streak of flame came out of the dark alleyway and the German's arm hung limp at his side. He had a bullet in his shoulder. "Told you I was a wing shot!" the plainsman cautioned him pleasantly. "I would have put that one through your heart if I didn't need an interpreter.

One there was behind him, however Tony, the Greek, following stealthily on his trail. At last, as Dalzell reached the head of a short, narrow alleyway Tony caught up with him in the darkness that had now fallen. A quick shove Tony gave the midshipman, and Dan, helpless, staggered into the alleyway, tripped and fell. Tony passed on as though he had merely accidentally jostled another.

Just at that moment Mike felt quite as angry with his friend, Jerry McGaverty, as with his late opponent. "The shirt's mine, fair," he said to himself, "and I'll make Jerry give it to me." But Jerry had disappeared, and Mike didn't know where to look for him. In fact, he had entered a dark alleyway, and, taking the shirt from the paper in which it was wrapped, proceeded to examine his prize.

With him I exchanged a word or two; thence stepped aft along the narrow alleyway between the house and the rail, and down the companion to the main cabin, where the captain sat with the commissioner at wine. I gazed with disaffection at the little box which for many a day I was to call home.