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This, then, is one far-famed and justly extolled; la belle Barbérie!" he added, gallantly lifting his cap, as if he had just discovered the condition and the unusual personal attractions of his companion. It was not in nature for Alida to be displeased.

"I'll keep my word," he said, as he drove by. "You'd better!" called the farmer. "You know what to expect now." Alida was so prostrated by the shock of the interview that she rallied slowly. At last she saw that it was getting late and that she soon might expect the return of her husband. She dragged herself to the door and again called Jane, but the place was evidently deserted.

Still Alida saw, or thought she saw, that, notwithstanding the previous professions of her admirer, the young man rejoiced he had been deceived.

The words had been spoken by their friend Alida Stair, as they sat at tea on her lawn at Pangbourne, in reference to the very house of which the library in question was the central, the pivotal "feature."

Ludlow had reason to see that the incredulity of his top-man had extended to most on board; and, as he could not conquer his tenderness on the subject of Alida and all that concerned her, while on the other hand there existed no motive for immediately declaring the truth, he rather favored the general impression by his silence.

The curtain was drawn aside that the lamp might shed its beam farther on the way of the traveller who came not. There was but one other light in the place, a bit of candle. Alida apologized for the poor light by which they must eat, but she did not offer to take the lamp from the window.

It’s but a sorry lover that’s making his prayer to you, my dearest; but you won’t judge, I know, beloved, you will love me instead?" Judith turned towards the valley. Her whole being throbbed with a passionate response to the man who stood so humbly before her, but there were duties that came first. Her mind was full of Alida and her children, and her eyes still sought Peter’s imploringly.

Should this Captain Ludlow actually marry your niece, the family would altogether change its character I have the worst memory thy mother, Myndert, was a a " "The pious woman was a Van Busser." "The union of thy sister with the Huguenot then reduces the fair Alida to the quality of a half-blood. The Ludlow connexion would destroy the leaven of the race! I think the man is penniless!"

There was a new atmosphere in his home a new influence, under which his mind was awakening in spite of his weariness and absorption in the interests of the farm. Alida was always ready to talk about these, and her questions would soon enable her to talk understandingly. She displayed ignorance enough, and this amused him, but her queries evinced no stupidity.

"Here is as much safety as a vessel of war affords in a moment like this," he said, when his companion was silently seated on a mess-chest. "On no account quit the spot, till I or some other, advise you it may be done without hazard." Alida had submitted to be led thither, without a question.