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He had deposited the money, but the notice accompanying it dropped from his note-case as he cleared his table for work. It was the formula usual in such cases and revealed clearly enough that he was the recipient of a royalty on Margaret Aubyn's letters. It would be impossible for Alexa to read it without understanding at once that the letters had been written to him and that he had sold them....

Alexa kept hoping that George would be satisfied she was not inclined toward him as she had been; and that, instead of bringing the matter to open issue, he would continue to come and go as the friend of her father. But George came to the conclusion that he ought to remain in doubt no longer, and one afternoon followed her into the garden.

He came first upon Andrew trying to make Miss Fordyce swallow a little of the brandy. "There's but one gentleman hurt, sir," said the guard. "The other's only a young lady that's run till she's dropped." "To bring brandy," supplemented Andrew. The doctor recognized Alexa, and wondered what reception her lather would give his patient, for to Potlurg he must go!

How they gazed on it, passed it from one to the other, pored over the gems, and over the raised work that inclosed them, I need not tell. They began to talk about what was to be done with it. "We will send it to the earl!" said Alexa. "No," said Andrew; "that would be to make ourselves judges in the case! Your father must have paid money for it; he gave it to Mr. Crawford, and Mr.

"I think if you did understand the gospel of Christ you would be incapable of believing the things about His Father that you say you do believe. But I will not say a word more. When you are able to see the truth, you will see it; and when you desire the truth you will be able." Alexa touched her pony with her whip. But by and by she pulled him up, and made him walk till Andrew overtook her.

"I believe your Aunt Virginia does, though. She somehow connotes Hollingsworth and the Mediterranean." He caught her hands again. "Alexa if we could manage a little hole somewhere out of town?" "Could we?" she sighed, half yielding. "In one of those places where they make jokes about the mosquitoes," he pressed her. "Could you get on with one servant?" "Could you get on without varnished boots?"

It was of wood, and she fancied it a little loose, but she could not move it. "When Andrew comes we'll get him to examine it!" said Alexa. He came in the evening, and Alexa told him what they had been doing. She begged him to get tools, and see whether there was not a space under the mantel-shelf.

"Never." George walked to the door, but there turned, and said: "By the way, you know that cup your father was so fond of?" "No." "Not that gold cup, set with stones?" "I saw something in his hands once, in bed, that might have been a cup." "It is a thing of great value of pure gold, and every stone in it a gem." "Indeed!" returned Alexa, with marked indifference.

Alexa thought it best to send Dawtie with the message by the next train. Dawtie did not relish the mission, for she had no faith in Crawford, and did not like his influence on her master. Not the less when she reached his hotel, she insisted on seeing him and giving her message in person; which done, she made haste for the first train back: they could not do well without her!

There was a natural repugnance between them; the one was simple, the other double; the one was pure, the other selfish; the one loved her neighbor, the other preyed upon his. George was a little louder, and his manners were more studied. Alexa felt him overblown. He was floridly at his ease. What little "atmosphere" there had been about him was gone, and its place taken by a colored fog.