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It ran as follows: "Rumbald hath been to see me; and bids me be with him, if I can, by noon to-day at the Mitre, without Aldgate. I know no more than that; but I am making ready to go down with him to the Rye at Hoddesdon, if he should want me there. I think that something is intended, if we are right in our conjectures. I shall have my man at the inn in Hoddesdon.

If a child were born beyond the legal limits, was it a thing to hide away and be ashamed of? And could it be possible that man's law was stronger than God's law after all? I had walked so slowly and stopped so often that it was two o'clock in the afternoon when I passed through Aldgate. I was then faint for want of food, so I looked out for a tea-shop or restaurant.

He was in the Three Widders at Aldgate, in the saloon bar which is a place where you get a penn'orth of ale in a glass and pay twopence for it and, arter being told by the barmaid that she had got one monkey at 'ome, he got into conversation with another man wot was in there. He was a big man with a black moustache and a red face, and 'is fingers all smothered in di'mond rings.

I went all the first part of the time freely about the streets, though not so freely as to run myself into apparent danger, except when they dug the great pit in the church-yard of our parish of Aldgate. A terrible pit it was, and I could not resist the curiosity to go and see it.

It would go through a fattish person's body as through butter, and the point would stick a little way through the clothes at his back. Down each side of the knife ran a groove to let the blood out, so that the man might die quicker. It was a pleasure to look at such a thing. It was better than watching the sheep and oxen driven into the Aldgate slaughter-houses.

Past Aldgate went the taxi and down Commercial Road East, that broad long thoroughfare that leads to the East India Docks. At Limehouse Church the taxi stopped, and Peggy alighted and paid the man. Almost immediately a young man, the cut of whose overcoat and the angle of whose hat at once marked him as a Spaniard, approached her.

For though the plague was long a-coming to our parish, yet, when it did come, there was no parish in or about London where it raged with such violence as in the two parishes of Aldgate and Whitechappel.

Portsoken ward is situate without Aldgate, the most easterly ward belonging to the City; and extends from Aldgate eastward to the bars. The chief streets and places comprehended in it, are part of Whitechapel Street, the Minories, Houndsditch, and the west side of Petticoat Lane. Whitechapel is a handsome broad street, by which we enter the town from the east.

They soon left the more crowded streets, and turning to the right, after ten minutes walking, the smith stopped in front of a bowyer shop near Aldgate. "This is the shop," he said, "and there is Giles Fletcher himself trying the spring and pull of one of his bows.

While none actually pointed out the vehicle I sought, many passed on in a state of inward contemplation without replying, and some chiefly the attendants of other chariots of a similar kind replied in what I deemed to be a spirit of elusive metaphor, as he who asserted that such a conveyance must be sought for at a point known intimately as the Aldgate Pump, whence it started daily at half-past the thirteenth gong-stroke; and another, who maintained that I had no prospect of reaching the desired spot until I secured the services of one of a class of female attendants who wear flowing blue robes in order to indicate that they are prepared to encounter and vanquish any emergency in life.