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He was pleased to pity the unfortunate Alcouz, and ordered something to be given me.

The two servants, no way moved with his complaint, carried him before the judge, who asked him how he durst presume to go into their house, and pursue them with a drawn knife? "Sir," replied the unfortunate Alcouz, "I am the most innocent man in the world, and am undone if you will not be pleased to hear me patiently: no one deserves more compassion."

At the end of five months, Alcouz having a mind to buy some sheep, and to pay for them with this fine money, opened his trunk; but, instead of finding money, was extremely surprised to see nothing but a parcel of leaves clipped round in the place where he had laid it: he beat his head, and cried out aloud, which presently brought the neighbours about him, who were as much surprised as he, when he told them the story.

The caliph, continued the barber, did not laugh so much at this story as at the other: he was pleased to bewail the unfortunate Alcouz, and ordered something to be given me.

At this spectacle, one of those who held Alcouz gave him a great blow with his fist, and said to him, Thou wicked villain, dost thou make us eat man's flesh instead of mutton?