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When Jack Sprague entered Warchester College, he carried with him the light baggage of learning picked up at the Acredale Academy. At his entrance to the sequestered quadrangles of Dessau Hall, Jack's frame of mind was very much like the passionate discontent of the younger son of a feudal lord whose discrepant birthright doomed him to the gown instead of the sword.

If you were North you would be in Acredale; if you were, there is no immediate want of your presence in the army. The articles we see in the Richmond papers every day, copied from Northern journals, show that this new general, McClellan, means to bring a trained, drilled, disciplined army down when he moves. It took six months to prepare McDowell's useless mass.

They were very prim and clean; the morning air came through the open windows, bearing an almost stupefying odor. It may have been the narcotic influence of the flowers that brought sleep to the three women, for in ten minutes they were at rest as tranquilly as if in the security of Acredale.

He remembered vaguely hearing that fever should be starved; that the thing craved was the dangerous thing; and he moved away in a sort of compunctious terror. "More more! Oh, in the name of God, more!" The words came gaspingly. Dick thought of the death-rattle he had heard in Acredale when old man Nagle, the madman, died.

We must go from here; the swamp is burning!" "Eh who is it? Where am I? Was I dreaming? I thought my boy was with me, and we were in the old home at Acredale." He lay quite still, staring upward with unseeing eyes. Dick's heart gave a great throb of grateful, devout thanksgiving. The madness and fever were gone. "You remember you were too worn out to go on, and Jack has gone to get food.

It touched the heart of the whole people, and for the time they arose, purified, contrite, as the armies of Moses under the chastening of the rod. In Acredale there were sore hearts as the dreadful news became more and more definite.