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There remained those exact details that should cause the elaborate operation to function together without hitch or miscarriage, and to these Rick Joyce addressed himself. The mob was to participate in force of full numbers and no absentees were to be tolerated. "When ther game starts up hit's got ter go quick as a bat flyin' through hell," enjoined the director.

"We won't wait," and he resumed his conversation with Lady Deane on the events of the morning. A moment later the absentees came in; Sir Roger in his usual leisurely fashion, Laing; hurriedly. The latter held in his hand two telegrams, or the crumpled débris thereof.

'Persons, he writes, 'who profess not to be of our Church, if persuasions will not avail, must be let alone. But other absentees must, after due patience, be told that, unwilling as you are, it will be your duty to present them, unless they reform; and if, when this warning hath been repeated and full time allowed for it to work, they still persist in their obstinacy, I beg you to do it.

"Well, Captain Beardiston," he answered slowly, "I'll tell you because I think that you may be able to help me a little bit. It's part of your work to look after deserters and absentees and those sort o' folk, isn't it?" The A.P.M. groaned. "Part of my work?" he repeated, "it seems to be my whole life ever since I came back from the front."

"Do not be at all uneasy, my dear, dove-eyed Clara. I can take care of myself." It was the middle of November, and the absentees who had spent their summer at the North were all at home again. Among these were Mrs. Asbury and her two daughters; and only a few days after their return they called to see Beulah.

"Who are they? these Clonbronies, that one hears of so much of late?" said her grace of Torcaster. "Irish absentees, I know. But how do they support all this enormous expense?" "The son will have a prodigiously fine estate when some Mr. Quin dies," said Mrs. Dareville. "Yes, every body who comes from Ireland will have a fine estate when somebody dies," said her grace.

These taken away, and the absentees flying to Europe or the North from the moral contaminations and material discomforts inseparable from Slavery, and not much more than FIFTY THOUSAND voting men will remain to represent this mighty and all-controlling power! a fact as astounding as it is incontrovertible. Oligarchies are nothing new in the history of the world.

All members of the Cabinet maintained absolute silence regarding what step should follow the action of the chamber. When the chamber reassembled on May 20th, after its long recess, there were present 482 Deputies out of 500, the absentees remaining away on account of illness.

Could the Makololo have robbed them of their cattle? Had Congo and Swartboy proved traitors? This was very improbable. But why were they not there? For some time our adventurers could do nothing but wait, in the hope that time would explain all, and bring the absentees back. Not an ox, horse, or dog was to be seen.

They came down, and were standing about the table, waiting for Ned and Frank, who were the only absentees, when a loud cry came from the direction of the cow stable door. "Rescue! Rescue! Darewells to the rescue! They're kidnapping Ned!" "That's Frank's voice!" cried Bart. "Come on, fellows! They've played a trick on us and they've got Ned!"