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"Minnie bought it, and she told me it was a big bargain. It was a sale, she said, but I guess they'll take it back." "What did it look like?" Abe said. "I didn't see it," Morris replied. "They sent it direct from the store, but I took Minnie's word for it. She said it was fine value." "And Minnie," Abe concluded, "is a fine, up-to-date woman."

But Matagorô had already fled, and he found only the mother, who was making her preparations for following her son to the house of Abé Shirogorô: so he bound the old woman, and searched all over the house for her son; but, seeing that his search was fruitless, he carried off the mother, and handed her over to one of the elders of the clan, at the same time laying information against Matagorô as his father's murderer.

Yet he was only "Old Abe" to his neighbors. When they had the second funeral, I was invited among others, and went out to see that same coffin put back in the tomb at Springfield. Around the tomb stood Lincoln's old neighbors, to whom he was just "Old Abe." Of course that is all they would say. Did you ever see a man who struts around altogether too large to notice an ordinary working mechanic?

There he signed an agreement with Potash & Perlmutter to make up all their garments in the contracting shop which he proposed to open the first of the following month. "Where are you going to have it your shop, Goldman?" Morris asked, after they had returned from Feldman's. "That I couldn't tell it you just yet," Goldman replied. "We ain't quite decided yet." "We!" Abe cried excitedly. "Who's we?"

"Where does it say it?" Morris cried. "Why, if a feller goes to work and pays three thousand dollars for a fiddle, Abe, while he only got a business rated twenty-five to thirty thousand, credit fair, ain't it as plain as the nose on your face he must got to fail?" Once more Abe read over the paragraph and then the paper fell from his hands to the floor.

Jest go up an' knock at the door number seven, and say Tom Wright sent ye." "How shall I know Mr. Lincoln?" asked Stephen. "Pick out the ugliest man in the room. There ain't nobody I kin think of uglier than Abe." Bearing in mind this succinct description of the candidate, Stephen climbed the rickety stairs to the low second story.

"I am acting sensible, because I am going right down to see Marcus Flachs and I would buy from him for ten dollars cut glass, and I would show that sucker Sammet he couldn't faze me none." "What d'ye mean, couldn't faze you none?" Abe asked.

"Then I says ter Blossy," concluded Captain Darby, "I says, says I, 'Jest lemme see that air pore old hen-pecked Abe Rose. I'll kill him er cure him! I says. Here, yer pipe 's out. Light up ag'in!" Abe struck the match with a trembling hand, unnerved once more by the speculation as to what might have happened had Samuel's treatment worked the other way.

"So what's the use talking about it?" "Well, I was going to say," Abe continued, "if it was something what you might call within reason, Moe, I might advance it if " "If what?" Moe inquired. "If you would tell me the insides of just how you got it that order from Prosnauer." Mozart gave a deprecatory wave of his right hand.

Why don't you make one last campaign among the real-estaters, and then if you don't succeed maybe we can do something." "That's right, Louis," Abe said. "Just try it and see what comes of it." Then Abe handed Louis a cigar and dismissed the subject, which never again arose until Louis was on his final trip.