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'My chaise is close at hand; and I shall have, I trust, the singular entertainment of abducting a sovereign Princess. 'Sir John! she said, at last. 'At your Highness's disposal, he replied. She sprang to her feet. 'O! she cried, 'have you come from Mittwalden? 'This morning, he returned, 'I left it; and if there is any one less likely to return to it than yourself, behold him!

"My chaise is close at hand; and I shall have, I trust, the singular entertainment of abducting a sovereign Princess." "Sir John!" she said at last. "At your Highness's disposal," he replied. She sprang to her feet. "O!" she cried, "have you come from Mittwalden?" "This morning," he returned, "I left it; and if there is anyone less likely to return to it than yourself, behold him!"

Go on." "Listen," Hunterleys proceeded. "Is your yacht in commission?" "Ready to sail at ten minutes' notice," the young man assured him emphatically, "victualled and coaled to the eyelids. To tell you the truth, I have some idea of abducting Fedora to-day or to-morrow." "You'll have to postpone that," Hunterleys told him. "I want to borrow the yacht." "She's yours," Richard assented promptly.

Lechesneau left the justice of peace and returned to the stables. "Monsieur," said Madame d'Hauteserre, at last, addressing Pigoult; "can you explain these arrests?" "The gentlemen are accused of abducting the senator by armed force and keeping him a prisoner; for we do not think they have murdered him in spite of appearances," replied Pigoult.

Tell me how to get to town the quickest way. I'll give you almost all I have on me; I'll need a little to use to get back to the city. To-morrow I'll meet you some place and give you the rest. In addition I'll give you a chance to get out without being arrested for your part in abducting me and holding me here." The man spent a few minutes in thought.

The Romish priests, not content with the restoration of the infamous hospital for abducting Protestant children at Pinerolo, and other grants made by the French, actually set up a claim for income which had accrued during the period of their dispossession.

What might have been their thoughts at the spectacle of a shameless middle-aged man abducting headlong into the upper regions of a respectable hotel a terrified young girl obviously under age, I don't know. All he wanted was to reach his wife before the girl collapsed. For a time she ran with him but at the last flight of stairs he had to seize and half drag, half carry her to his wife.

He is no less a person than Kama, the god of love, whom Siva has burnt for disturbing his meditations. When grown up, Pradyumna is married to a cousin, the daughter of his uncle, Rukma. Rukma has never forgiven Krishna for abducting and marrying his sister, Rukmini, and despite their intimate alliance is sworn to kill him. His plot is discovered and in a final contest, Balarama kills him.

It is your right to waive examination, in which case I shall send you out to Miwasa Landing for trial. Do you wish to proceed?" "Yes," said Sam. Young Coulson's legal formula failed him here. "Well, what have you got to say for yourself?" he asked quite humanly. As Sam was about to defend himself it suddenly rushed over him what a comic figure he would make, accusing a girl of abducting him.

"And now, my friends," he went on to himself, "I think I can teach you not to come into an English gentleman's house again with an idea of stealing his property, to say nothing of abducting his daughter." The man and woman were still staring at each other by the light of the lamp, each holding each other's trembling hand, when the lamp was suddenly snatched away from the woman and went out.