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I was tempted by the prospect of making you the real heiress of the Laurance name and wealth, and of beggaring Cuthbert, his so-called wife and crippled child, by displaying the mortgage I held; and which will yet sweep them to penury, for the banker has failed, and Abbie Ames is penniless as Minnie Merle once was.

"Haven't seen Josie or Em Jersey anywhere lately?" "Seen 'em at the post-office night afore last." "H'mp!" Abbie pushed the kettle to the front of the kitchen stove, poked up the fire, and put in fresh sticks of wood. When the water boiled she poured it into a blue-lacquered pail with yellow bands around the rim, carried it up the steep back stairs, and got out fresh stockings.

It was short but there was meat in it. It said: 'If you want to keep your brother from marryin' Abbie Larkin you had better come home quick! 'Twas signed 'A Friend. "Did Hannah come home? Well, didn't she! She landed at Orham the next night. And she done some thinkin' on the way, too. She kept out of the way of everybody and went straight up to the house.

That's the real article right over our heads, I suppose." "Yes. That's the 'Diamond Horseshoe." "All proper things there, hey?" "Why er yes, I suppose so. What makes you ask?" "Nothing much. I was thinking 'twas better Abbie wa'n't along on this cruise.

Wasson saw him frequently, but had no opportunity of making his acquaintance. So nearly do we either hit it, or miss it, all through life! The only person who sympathized with him in his progressive views of religion was Miss Abbie Smith, the daughter of an apothecary in Newburyport, Massachusetts. She was visiting at the house of her brother who was one of the instructors at the Seminary.

Second Row. Farr.-Sgt. Lindsay, Sgts. Inglis, Gourlay, Farr.-Sgt. Renton, Sgt. Abbie, Saddler-Sgt. Smith, Sergt. Kirk, F.Q.M.S. Allan, Sgts. Hood, Walker, Colthart, Haig, Lumsden, Thorp, Dougall, Couper, Bradfield, Craig. Third Row. Sgts. Thornton, Aitken, S.Q.M.S. Craig, S.S.M. Edie, S.S.M. Ogilvie, Capt. and Adjt. M.E. Lindsay, R.S.M. R.G. Rapkin, Capt.

He told me all about it one day a good while afterward. He smoked three of the cigars afore he went home, and promised to come to supper the next afternoon. "'You DO look so comfortable, Mr. Parker, purrs Abbie, as sweet and syrupy as a molasses stopper. 'It must be SUCH a comfort to a man to smoke. I don't care WHAT the minister says, you can smoke here just as much as you want to!

The house and buildings were spotless in paint and whitewash; the yard was raked clean of every dead leaf and twig; the whole establishment was so neat that Caroline remarked upon it. "It looks as if it had been scoured," she said. "Um-hm," observed her uncle, with a gratified nod; "that's Abbie. She hates dirt worse than she does laziness, and that ain't sayin' a little.

Oh! just you wait, Mother, you and I will lead a different life after this." "And you think, Abbie, you'll make more than six hundred dollars?" Already the mother's veins were expanding wonderful elixir, this Extract of Gold. "Six hundred! Why, if the stock goes to what they call par and that's where they all go, so Maria says I'll have have two thousand, less Mr.

We are to be congratulated, Jonas, upon settling our daughter so advantageously both in the matter of family and wealth." Jonas Prim grunted. "Sam Benham is old enough to be the girl's father," he growled. "If she wants him, all right; but I can't imagine Abbie wanting a bald-headed husband with rheumatism.