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Her population is ....................... 37,000,000 The population of the United States is ..... 65,000,000 The population of England is ............... 37,000,000 The population of Germany is ............... 40,000,000 Total .................................. 142,000,000 The French navy is a fairly close second to that of England. Her army is as large as that of Germany.

At this point in the history of the detachment, it would be well to give some account of the reasoning which led to its formation and the personnel of the detachment. Since the days of '65 the armies of the civilized world have adopted a rifle whose effective range is more than twice as great as that used in the Civil War.

He was one of the founders of the Amnesty Movement for the release of the political prisoners of '65 and '67. When the Home Rule movement was started in Ireland he entered into it heartily, and was elected a member of the Council.

Richardson however immediately went to the boy and administered some medicine which relieved his pain and put a stop to their mourning. The temperatures this day were at four A.M. 54 degrees, three P.M. 72 degrees, at seven P.M. 65 degrees.

While the clerk was picking out a couple of rooms that were near together, the man looked around at the colored man who had the satchel, and as the clerk said, "Show the gentleman to No. 65 and the lady to 67," he said, "Hold on, 'squire! One room will do." On being shown to the room, the bridegroom came right out with the bell boy and appeared at the office.

There are 20,000 Turks on the Bulgarian frontier which, assuming that Bulgaria remains neutral, are able to reinforce Gallipoli; some, in fact, have already arrived showing the restoration of Turkish confidence in King Ferdinand. Close by on the Asiatic side there remain 10,000 Turks, making a total of 210,000, to which must be added 65,000 who are under training in Europe.

On some of the steep descents the horses and mules accustomed to the road put their four feet together and slide, while the unaccustomed traveler feels his hair standing on end. The distance from Santo Domingo City to Bonao is about 65 miles; from Bonao to La Vega some 30 miles. This seems to have been an ancient Indian trail between Santo Domingo and the Cibao.

After 10 P.M. the pains grew weak. At midnight Wygodzky delivered the dead child by expression. Not till then was the cause of delay clear. The funis was very tense and coiled 7 times round the neck and once round the left shoulder; there was also a distinct knot. It measured over 65 inches in length. The fetus was a male, slightly macerated.

This example I would recommend to your serious imitation, and to enforce it shall only remark, that a shining part of the character of Solomon's excellent daughter is, that she looketh well to the ways of her household." Rev. Thomas Bacon's Sermons Addressed to Masters and Servants, pp. 4, 48, 49, 51, 64, 65, 69, 70, 73, 74.

But as the largest recorded human brain weighed between 65 and 66 ounces, the former difference is represented by 33 ounces absolutely, or by 65:32 relatively." But there is another characteristic of the brain which seems to bear a close relation to the degree of intelligence.