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He was, however, so fortunate as at last to take him prisoner in a rencounter; but having released him at the intercession of the French king and the Count of Anjou, he found the province of Maine still exposed to his intrigues and incursions. H. Hunt. p. 378. M. Paris, p. 36. Ypod.

Had Elizabeth gratified her own inclinations, the exterior appearance, which is the chief circumstance with the people, would have been still more similar between the new and the ancient form of worship. * Heylin, p. 111. Burnet, vol. ii. p. 376, 397. Camden, p. 371. * Camden, p. 378. Strype, vol. i. p. 150, 370.

In 1890, the value of grounds, buildings and apparatus for 378 colleges in the United States was $77,894,729, and the productive fund of 315 colleges aggregated $74,090,415. In Germany, the twenty-two universities are national property, and are supported out of the national treasury at a large annual expense. The annual incomes of Oxford and Cambridge in England aggregate more than $3,500,000.

Q. Then state this. A. Of the Eclipse, the nominal power was 76, and the actual power 144.4 horses; of the Arrow, the nominal power was 60, and the actual 119.5; Spitfire, nominal 40, actual 64; Fury, nominal 40, actual 65.6; Albion, nominal 80, actual 135.4; Dart, nominal 100, actual 152.4; Hawk, nominal 40, actual 73; Hero, nominal 100, actual 171.4; Meteor, nominal 100, actual 160; James Watt, nominal 120, actual 204; Watersprite, nominal 76, actual 157.6; Dolphin, nominal 140, actual 238; Dragon, nominal 80, actual 131; Magnet, nominal 140, actual 238; Dart, nominal 120, actual 237; Flamer, nominal 120, actual 234; Firefly, nominal 52, actual 86.6; Ferret, nominal 52, actual 88; Monarch, nominal 200, actual 378.

Although the coinage of silver in the twelve years during which the Bland-Allison act was in force amounted to $378,000,000, the danger that Cleveland's prophecy would come to pass was lessened by several facts.

The reply was so ill managed by Valens' counsellors that the Goths were offended, and came over the river as foes when they might have come as friends; and Valens was killed in battle with them at Adrianople in 378.

'Works, i. 320. 'Works, vi. 21. 'Works, vi. 26. 'Works, i. 378. Knox objected to this unlimited freedom of conscience being granted, even for a time; and actually succeeded in retaining the public worship on the ground that Edinburgh had chosen already, though under compulsion.

Hamilton computed the amount of the foreign debt, principal and arrears, at $11,710,378.62; the domestic debt, including that of the States, at $42,414,085.94, a total of over fifty-four millions with an annual interest charge at existing rates amounting to $4,587,444.81, a staggering total for a nation whose revenue was then insufficient to meet its current expenses.

Johnson often said that, when he saw a worthy family in distress, it was his custom to collect charity among such of his friends as he knew to be affluent; and on those occasions he received from Garrick more than from any other person, and always more than he expected. Life of Garrick, p. 378.

The Greek kēres and the wandering ghosts of West Africa do exactly what is ascribed to the malefic spirits of Babylonia. Examples of such identity of function between the various superhuman Powers are found all over the world. +378+. This fact does not show that these Powers have the same origin.