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In a recent report made by the Treasury Department on the condition of the banks throughout the different States, according to returns dated nearest to January, 1857, the aggregate amount of actual specie in their vaults is $58,349,838, of their circulation $214,778,822, and of their deposits $230,351,352.

It gives me pleasure to report a decided improvement in the financial condition of the Post-Office Department as compared with several preceding years. The receipts for the fiscal year 1861 amounted to $8,349,296.40, which embraced the revenue from all the States of the Union for three quarters of that year.

LORD STANHOPE'S History of England, ch. lxii. "Cette disposition a été faite deux ans plutôt que ne le comporte l'usage établi pour les enfants de France." Mercy to Maria Teresa, October 14th, Arneth, iii. p. 476. Madame de Campan, ch. ix. "Gustave III. et la Cour de France," i., p. 349.

LAYARD, Nineveh, vol. i. p. 349, at a little distance the explorer found the bodies of two lions placed back to back, which seemed to have formed a pedestal of the same kind. This suggestion seems inconsistent with the state of the ruin at the spot where the discovery was made.

They are therefore strictly forbidden, and any officer found guilty of making such report for publication, without special permission, or of placing the writing beyond his control, so that it finds its way to the press within one month after the termination of the campaign to which it relates, shall be dismissed from the service." "MEXICO, November 12, 1847. "GENERAL ORDERS No. 349.

Still more important was the sailing from New York of the German liner Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse. This ship had a speed of 22.5 knots and a displacement of 14,349 tons.

Chap. XXIX. p. 349. 'Patres, quamquam sæpe errant, tamen venerandi propter testimonium fidei. Those which appear to me of any great value are valuable chiefly for those articles of Christian Faith which are, as it were, 'ante Christum' JESUM, namely, the Trinity, and the primal Incarnation spoken of by John i, 10.

Sastres, 'may always have something to tell: you live among the various orders of mankind, and may make a letter from the exploits, sometimes of the philosopher, and sometimes of the pickpocket. You see some balloons succeed and some miscarry, and a thousand strange and a thousand foolish things. Piozzi Letters, ii. 412. See ante, p. 349, note.

Inside the front cover the figure 60 was written in red pencil this he took to be Roger Mifflin's price mark. Inside the back cover he found the following notations vol. 3 166, 174, 210, 329, 349 329 ff. cf. These references were written in black ink, in a small, neat hand. Below them, in quite a different script and in pale violet ink, was written

Of a little less than 16,000,000 pounds of sugar exported during the same year, 14,500,000 were sent to the United States; of 39,000 pounds of coffee 34,000 were sent to us; of 1,349,503 pounds of rice and paddy exported, 1,317,203 pounds came to the United States.