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Latitude, 29 degrees 23 minutes 20 seconds. Saturday, 21st May, Same Place. Started at 8 o'clock on a bearing of 310 degrees for the Davenport range. At twenty-two miles changed our course to examine a large lagoon to the south-west of us, bearing 238 degrees. At two miles reached the lagoon, which we examined for springs, but found none. I suppose it receives Major Warburton's salt creek.

He was too proud either to recant the tenets of this book, or even to apologize for them; and his conduct showed that he thought no more civility than loyalty due to any of the female sex. * Knox, p. 311, 312. Knox, p. 310. * Knox, p. 288. Knox, p. 326. The whole life of Mary was, from the demeanor of these men, filled with bitterness and sorrow.

As many figures dancing doth propose As waves roll on the sea when tempests toss. And Chrysippus says that the various complications of ten single axioms amount to 1,000,000. But Hipparchus hath confuted that account, showing that the affirmative contains 101,049 complicated propositions, and the negative 310,952.

Passed over grassy plains and stony rise; when, at three miles, seeing the termination of a range in a bluff point, changed my course to 310 degrees.

We increased to 55 revolutions at 10 A.M. The swell is subsiding but not so quickly as I had expected. To-night it is absolutely calm, with glorious bright sunshine. Several people were sunning themselves at 11 o'clock! sitting on deck and reading. The land is clear to-night. Coulman Island 75 miles west. Sounding at 7 P.M., 187 fathoms. Sounding at 4 A.M., 310 ,, Monday, January 2.

Women have been admitted on even terms with men since 1882, and 260 have matriculated, of whom 53 have taken degrees. The university has an endowment of $1,310,000, with legacies amounting to about $250,000 to encourage original investigations in special lines of study. The Nansen fund, which amounts to about $150,000, is intended to encourage exploration on the seas.

Eventually, if one cared to sort it out, the Cow might produce the entire Encyclopedia Britannica for the year 1911; and then again, possibly for the year 33,310. Actually, it only depended on what you wished to select. It was a vast mass of material that was being happily upchucked into the lap of the confused communications officer and his two, unhelpful assistants.

The amount of specie coined from 1849 to 1857 inclusive, was $439,000,000; from 1858 to 1860, inclusive, $125,000,000, and from 1861 to 1867, inclusive, $310,000,000 making the total coinage since 1849 $874,000,000.

The number of militia just after the siege is set by English reports at 1,310. About the preceding Christmas they had broken into mutiny, being discontented with their rations and exasperated with getting no extra pay for work on the fortifications.

C. J. Woodruff, as cited, p. 310. 1'.Although Chelsea, Massachusetts, is cited as having given up a commission government, yet the case is not parallel, since a'. The commission under which the city had lived was appointed by the governor after a disastrous conflagration; and b'. The form of government substituted has most of the essential features of the: commission government except the size of the council, which has four members elected at large, and five by district.