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I know that I obtained then a glimpse of an affection and a depth of sorrow such as perfectly awed me, and I do not think I have witnessed anything like it at all, either before or since. It was then that he seemed to enter into the full meaning of those words of our Lord, in St. Mark x. 29-30, i.e., into all that the "leaving" there spoken of involved.

So Wr.; Or. and Doed. understand by it going beyond the mere performance of his duty. It was his duty to protect his province: he enlarged it. Quaereretur. Subj. in a relative clause denoting a purpose. Veranius. Ann. 14, 29. Paullinus. Ann. 14, 29-30. Monam insulam. Now Anglesey. But the Mona of Caesar is the Isle of Man, called by Pliny Monapia.

On the night of May 29-30 they struck at the Sultan himself. The new Ministers were on their side: the Sheik-ul-Islam, the chief of the Ulemas, who interpret Mohammedan theology and law, now gave sentence that the Sultan might be dethroned for mis-government; and this was done without the least show of resistance.

On July 28, 1915, Nancy was visited by a flock of Zeppelins and a number of bombs dropped which did considerable damage in that war-scarred city. Eleven or twelve persons were killed. During the night of July 29-30, 1915, a French aviator shelled a plant in Dornach, Alsace, where asphyxiating gas was being made.

When I opened them, there were many letters from different persons in each congregation expressing their appreciation for the help and blessing I had been to them. If I am not mistaken, there were 153 in all, and there was sufficient money in those letters to almost pay for my first car, a Ford. The promise previously quoted in Mark 10:29-30 was verily fulfilled.

'XY night' was the night of July 29-30. We got a little sleep during the morning.

Giles, Edinburgh. It was given over to his tender mercies in 1829, a picturesque old building, and it left his hands in 1834 a bit of solid well-jointed mason-work with all Andrew Fairservice's "whigmaleeries, curliewurlies, and open steek hems" most thoroughly removed! Rob Roy, vol. viii. pp. 29-30.

As these trenches were badly located and insufficient in size and strength, I ordered another line constructed about 100 yards in advance of them, and this work was completed, mainly by the First Colorado, during the night of July 29-30.

As I was praying I said, "Listen, Lord, you know I am honest and earnest. Do not let me be deceived. I'll take one of these Bibles on the table, and close my eyes and throw it up in the air and catch it and the scripture my thumb is on when I catch it, I'll accept as an answer from you." I did so, and my thumb was on Mark 10:29-30.

In America the Union armies had suffered great disasters before Richmond and at the second Bull Run, August 29-30, followed by Lee's invasion of Maryland, September 7, the news of which, arriving in England on September 14, roused the natural idea that the crisis was at hand. The next news was expected by the Confederates to announce the fall of Washington or Baltimore.