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Adieu! dear West, take care of your health; and some time or other we will talk over all these things with more pleasure than I have had in seeing them. Yours ever. FLORENCE, February 27, 1740, N.S. Well, West, I have found a little unmasqued moment to write to you; but for this week past I have been so muffled up in my domino, that I have not had the command of my elbows.

The hull is constructed partly of steel and partly of iron, and has the principal dimensions as follows. Length, 330 ft. at the water line; beam, 66 ft. outside the armor; draught, 27 ft. 6 in. aft.; displacement, 10,430 English or 10,600 French tons.

Those who are far away hear nothing of it, and the properly so-called Newlanders only laugh about it, and give them no other consolation beyond that given to Judas Iscariot by the Pharisees, Matt. 27, 4: 'What is that to us?

Yours ever. ARLINGTON STREET, Feb. 27, 1770. It is very lucky, seeing how much of the tiger enters into the human composition, that there should be a good dose of the monkey too. If Aesop had not lived so many centuries before the introduction of masquerades and operas, he would certainly have anticipated my observation, and worked it up into a capital fable.

The faithful servants buried the gentle creature in the garden not far from the shrine of the Compassionate God. When the girls returned they set up a little wooden monument in her memory on which Mary printed in India ink the following inscription: "NEDDA" Died August 27, 19 Aged 21.

The urgent message sent by Botha to De Wet on May 27 after the British Army had crossed into the Transvaal was hardly necessary to incite that free lance into action after his own heart, and he at once quitted Frankfort for Lindley. When Lord Roberts entered the Transvaal he left behind him a considerable force to teach the New Colony its duties.

State of the Union Address William J. Clinton January 27, 1998 Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of the 105th Congress, distinguished guests, my fellow Americans: Since the last time we met in this chamber, America has lost two patriots and fine public servants.

Meanwhile, Aunt Susan had entered into a regular and friendly correspondence with me and her nephew, and she wrote on June 27, 1861; I hope your little olive branches are both quite well, and also your sister; we shall be glad to renew and make fresh acquaintance amongst the young ones.

In the governor's dispatch of July 27 he says that "General Lane and his staff everywhere deny the authority of the Territorial laws and counsel a total disregard of these enactments." Without making further quotations of a similar character from other dispatches of Governor Walker, it appears by a reference to Mr.

A woman's friendship is active, vigilant, and at the same time tender. French women cherish more sincerely their old friends than their young lovers. They may perchance deceive the lover, but never the friend; the latter they consider as a sacred being. Paris, December 27, 1801.