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Aaron McLean took over his father-in-law's profitable insurance business. Harper, Anthony, I, p. 241. Feb. 14, 1865, Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers, Library of Congress. Ms., Diary, April 27, 1862. Feb. 14, 1862, Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers, Library of Congress. Ibid. Ibid., April 19, 1862. Ms., Diary, April 26, 27, 1865. Harper, Anthony, I, p. 245.

Stryker's "American Register" for 1849:241. "The American Almanac" for 1850:324. "An Economic and Social History of New England," 11:825. Hunt's "Lives of American Merchants":139. Life of Eli Whitney, "Our Great Benefactors":567. Unfortunately only the most general and eulogistic accounts of the careers of most of the rich shippers have appeared in such biographies as have been published.

Bernard winter begins about Michaelmas, and the falling of snow in September; when the Englishmen already mentioned crossed the mountain at the end of August, they found almost no snow on their road, but the slopes on both sides were covered with it. Ideler, Chronol. i. 241. If Hannibal was thus at the St. The War under Hannibal to the Battle of Cannae Hannibal and the Italian Celts

Gentlemen are very fond of quoting me; but if any one thinks it worth his while to know the rules that guided me in my plan of reform, he will read my printed speech on that subject, at least what is contained from page 230 to page 241 in the second volume of the collection which a friend has given himself the trouble to make of my publications.

In B.C. 509 Carthage made her first treaty with Rome. But the rivalry which grew up between the two Powers developed into a stubborn contest for the empire of the world, culminating in the three Punic wars. The first of these lasted from B.C. 264 to 241; the second, from B.C. 218 to 201.

She took the money mechanically. "Where am I? Oh! where am I staying? Sixteen Himmelstrasse, third floor yes, that's it. No: 18 Rue Petits Champs, troisième étage. Oh, no: 241 Hill Street. I'll show you the baby. I must get it now." And she sped away, coughing. Keith, having watched her till she disappeared, walked on in deep reflection, hardly knowing what course to take.

The total claims paid up to 1918 were $1,624,537.61; and during 1918, $241,780.08. The technical side of engine driving is emphasized by the "Locomotive Engineers' Journal" which goes to every member, and in discussions in the stated meetings of the Brotherhood. Intellectual and social interests are maintained also by lecture courses, study clubs, and women's auxiliaries.

There are several successive causes of cold, some internal, some external, and some accidental, n. 237. Internal causes of cold are from religion, n. 238, 239. Of internal causes of cold the first is the rejection of religion by each of the parties, n. 240. Of internal causes of cold the second is that one of the parties has religion and not the other, n. 241.

Daily and nightly I addressed meetings, and God's people were moved greatly in the cause. After meeting ail expenses while in port, there remained a sum of £634: 9: 2 for the up-keep of the vessel. The Honorable George Fife Angus gave me £241 a dear friend belonging to the Baptist Church.

Among the largest reported in Virginia in 1782-1783 were those of John Tabb, Amelia County, 257; William Allen, Sussex County, 241; George Chewning, 224, and Thomas Nelson, 208, in Hanover County; Wilson N. Gary, Fluvanna County, 200; and George Washington, Fairfax County, 188.