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In 1864 he was elected a United States Senator for the term ending in 1869, and died in Washington, March, 1867. BURWELL C. RITTER was born in Kentucky, January 10, 1810. He has devoted his life to agricultural pursuits. In 1843, and again in 1850, he was a member of the State Legislature. In 1865 he was elected a Representative from Kentucky to the Thirty-Ninth Congress.

In the colonial budget for 1867 the profit on tobacco was estimated at $2,627,976, while the total expenditure of the colony, after deduction of the expenses occasioned by the tobacco management, was set down at $7,033,576.

All kinds of songs are represented; the rondeaux of children whose inspiration is alike in all countries: Hanoteau, Poésies Populaires de la Khabylie du Jurgura, Paris, 1867, 8vo. "Oh, moonlight clear in the narrow streets, Tell to our little friends To come out now with us to play To play with us to-night. If they come not, then we will go To them with leather shoes.

'P. S. You may tell your boys at night school, if you think it well, that no Melanesian I ever had here would be so ungentlemanly as to throw stones or make a row when a lady was present. 'St. Matthias Day, 1867. 'My dearest Joan and Fan, The beginning of the seventh year of my Bishop's life! But for some persons it is dangerous to talk of such things, and I am such a person.

Therefore it was resolved to build a light-house on the rock Ar-men, which is three miles from the extreme point. This work is so extremely difficult that although it was commenced in 1867, twelve years later, in 1879, it was only half built. They say that during the latter year it was only possible to work for eight hours, although the workmen were always ready to seize a favorable moment.

Historian, s. of the Right Hon. Spencer W., Home Sec. in the three Derby Cabinets, belonged to the same family as Sir Robert W. Ed. at Eton he became a clerk in the War Office, and was thereafter successively Inspector of Fisheries 1867, Lieutenant-Governor of the Isle of Man 1882, and Sec. to the Post Office, where he made a reputation as an efficient administrator, and was made K.C.B. in 1898.

Since 1867, the Mail, established in 1873 as the chief organ of the Liberal Conservatives, has come to the front rank in journalism, and is a powerful rival of the Globe, while the Colonist, Leader, and other papers which once played an important part in the political drama, are forgotten, like most political instruments that have done their service and are no longer available.

Grant did not desire the office, but under advice accepted it, lest a worse thing for the country might happen. Johnson hoped to win Grant to his side, and in any event to use him in his strife with Congress to defeat the purpose of the law. While the Senate had Stanton's case under consideration in January, 1867, Grant was called into a cabinet meeting and questioned regarding what he would do.

The union of the two Provinces, Upper and Lower Canada, followed in 1841, and in 1867 Confederation took place, when our Province lost its old appellation, and has ever since been known as the Province of Ontario the keystone Province of the Confederation.

At length, however, in 1867, the British Government in India succeeded in gaining the consent of the King of Burmah to the passage through his dominions of a mission combining the necessary strength and limits.