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On the 1st of December, 1857, a funeral wended its slow passage along the crowded Broadway for a few blocks, at least challenging a certain share of the attention of the promenaders of that fashionable thoroughfare.

It was on the evening of March 11th that the 'Ferooz' anchored in 'Diamond Harbour, the same anchorage at which, in the 'Shannon, he had spent the night of August 8, 1857.

Indeed, to many of us, the Past lies so near the written word, that almost it re-awakens between the folds of a letter; indeed, in many instances, the Past and Present only meet across it. In this sense it is the only thing that holds up the picture of the past before our tired eyes. Litera scripta manet is a living truth. The next letter from Newman to Nicholson was written on 20th June, 1857.

As a compromise, the Indians were given the loose horses and cattle, which later were recovered, and the Mormons remained with the company to assist in its defense. Aboriginal Diversions Late in the autumn of 1857, a company came through on the way to California, bringing a letter from President Young, directing Hamblin to act as guide to California.

The clerk she had appealed to, attracted by her appearance and manner, was willing to be both helpful and polite. "Whose will do you want, madam?" "I want my grandfather's will. His name was Harman." "What year did he die?" "Twenty-three years ago." "Ah! just so. This is 1880. So he died in the year 1857. Do you see those catalogues to your left? Go up to those marked 1857.

A treaty was signed on the 16th day of November, 1857, by the Secretary of State and minister of Nicaragua, under the stipulations of which the use and protection of the transit route would have been secured, not only to the United States, but equally to all other nations.

This great work was completed in 1857 by the contractors, Erastus Corning, of New York, Fairbanks, and others, for a contract price of seven hundred and fifty thousand acres of land, chiefly mineral, in the State of Michigan. During our steamer's canal passage of about two hours, we were interested by the picturesque scenery, untenanted save by the wigwam and the bark canoe.

On January 23rd, 1857, he spoke before the Architectural Association upon "The Influence of Imagination in Architecture," repeating and amplifying what he had said at Edinburgh about the subordinate value of proportion, and the importance of sculptured ornament based on natural forms.

From 1842 to 1857 he was repeatedly a member of the New Hampshire Legislature. In 1857 he was elected a Senator in Congress from New Hampshire, and in 1861 he was re-elected for the term ending in 1867.

Subsequently the calamitous events of 1857 and 1858 occurred; and the nation came at once to the conclusion a conclusion which I think no disinterested person could resist that it was impossible that India and its vast population could any longer be retained under the form of government which has existed up to this period.