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When I put in dat fif'-cent you gi' me, he jumped like a pin had stick him. I dropped 't in so 't would soun', I tell you!" This gave Mrs. Graeme an idea, and she encouraged her to go again the following Sunday, and this time gave her a dollar to put in the plate. "Be sure and drop it in so it will sound," she said to her. "I 'm gwine to."

But before creation the individual souls do not exist; since Scripture teaches non-distinction 'Being only this was in the beginning. And as then the souls do not exist, no karman can exist, and it cannot therefore be said that the inequality of creation depends on karman. Up. Up. Gi.

'Not a quarther, says the divil, grinnin' with a bitther laugh; 'give over your reading I bid you, says he, 'and come away wid me. 'Only gi' me a few minits, says he.

But this does not imply a denial of the duality which holds good between matter on the one hand and Self on the other: what the passage means is that the Self which dwells in the different material bodies of gods, men, and so on, is of one and the same kind. Gi.

Why cudn't ye gi' me a chance?" "I'm sorry, Flinders, but I couldn't well help it. The critter rose right in front o' me." "Vat a goot shote you is!" exclaimed the botanist riding back to them and surveying the prostrate deer through his blue spectacles. "Ay, and it's a lucky shot too," said Fred, "for our provisions are running low.

"What do you mean by that?" demanded the little ruffian, as he placed himself in front of her, and thus prevented her further progress. "Don't stop me; I'm in a hurry," said Katy. "Gi' me some candy, then." "No, I won't!" answered Katy, losing her patience. "Won't you?"

I guess she likes to have me follerin' 'er 'round." "She's got good taste," said Parker gallantly. The girl laughed, and struck at him with the iron stake. "Oh, taffy!" she said, looking at him coquettishly from under her frizz. "Ain't you ashamed?" "No," said Parker, waxing brave. "Gi' me the stake; mebbe I c'n fasten 'er so she'll stay."

"Honey," she said, "gi' me de money, and let de ole 'oman dream on it once mo'! It ain't quite clar' yit, young massar. Tank you, honey! Tank you! Let de old 'oman dream! Let de ole 'oman dream!" She disappeared into the house, chuckling and chattering, and the sons of the forest, loitering awhile, dispersed in various directions.

For thus he says: 'To them ever devoted, worshipping me in love, I give that means of wisdom by which they attain to me. Gi. It thus remains a settled conclusion that the Pradhana, which is not guided by an intelligent principle, cannot be the general cause. Here a further objection is raised.

But this is a zeed-toime which shall have a harvest o' blood if my right hand can compass it. 'If you go to t' wars, Gaffer Swain, we'll look to your homestead, said the farmer who had spoken before. 'As to t' greenstuffs as this gentleman asks for he shall have not one wainload but three, if he will but gi' us half-an-hour to fill them up.