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But although a changed environment made the old types of defense obsolete, they still persist, "in a sthenic if somewhat now inco-ordinated way, and when they are called into action now they evoke a faint phosphorescence of the old primordial feeling." Loc. cit., p. 197.

When commissioning justices Burghley referred to the bishops for lists of orthodox men. See such lists in Strype, op. cit., 453-60. Also in Strype, Life of Whitgift, i, 187-8. Victoria County History of Cumberland, ii, 73-4. Sussex Arch. Soc. Coll., ii , 58-62.

Cit.-Just in the same manner as his partner did your ladyship, all mild and mannerly, smiling, and in perfect temper; for my part, if I was a young wench again, I should be in love with such a man. Lady. Well, but what shall we do now? Cit. Why, be gone. I think we have teazed them enough; it would be cruel to bear-bait them any more. Lady.

The Indians of Florida, according to Le Moyne de Morgues, sacrificed the first-born son to the chief...." Op cit., p. 459. There are pages and pages of such instances. There is nothing analogous to these practices among ourselves. When the first-born in Florida was told that his king and country needed him, this was a mere mistake, and with us mistakes of this kind do not occur.

Amorous intrigue was their constantly recurring theme. Some of them were written expressly in ridicule of the Puritans. Such was the Committee of Dryden's brother-in-law, Sir Robert Howard, the hero of which is a distressed gentleman, and the villain a London cit, and president of the committee appointed by Parliament to sit upon the sequestration of the estates of royalists.

Glasscock, op. cit., 59 . Hale, Crim. Free., 170-1. Visitations of the Dean of York's Peculiar, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, xviii , 209. Ibid., 210. With the exception of the High Commission by the terms of its commission. See the writ of 1559 in Gee, The Elizabethan Clergy and the Settlement of Religion, 150. Also Cardwell, Doc. Ann., i, 220, for the Commission for York in 1559.

The predynastic Egyptians may well have adopted similar means for preserving a remembrance of their past history. M. Foucart illustrates this point by citing the case of the Bushongos, who have in this way preserved a list of no less than a hundred and twenty-one of their past kings; op. cit., p. 182, and cf. Tordey and Joyce, "Les Bushongos", in Annales du Musée du Congo Belge, sér. III, t.

The body had fallen nearer the door, where the light from outside was stronger. Dick noted, with a thrill of dismay, that the other was attired not in "cit." dress, but in the cadet gray. "Hold on a minute," begged Prescott. Striking a match he turned on the gas. As the light flamed up Dick saw Cadet Corporal Spurlock standing before him, quivering with rage. "You b.j. plebe!" snarled Mr.

See Le Mesurier, Genoa: Five Lectures, Genoa, A. Donath, 1889, a useful and informing book, to which I am indebted for more than one curious fact. See Le Mesurier, op. cit. p. 82. Le Mesurier thinks that "this angel" refers to "the central figure in a bas-relief" above the inscription and below the right-hand window of the church. See Le Mesurier, op. cit. p. 98. See Le Mesurier, op. cit. p. 107.

The peace and contentment among the natives here, mostly Malays, impresses one favourably. They are all very fond of their children and take good care of them. The crying of children is a sound that is rarely heard. It was my fortune to travel over two years in the Dutch Indies; it is gratifying to state that during that time I never saw a native drunk, cit her in Java or Borneo.