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He is brushing out the waves of chestnut brown hair which, though short, shows a tendency to assert its nature despite the stern orders of military rule. A shade passes over the brow of the youthful-looking soldier as he dons his scarlet uniform. His thoughts are not at ease. Guy Trevelyan feels a vague and unaccountable yearning an undefined feeling which is impossible to shake off.

"Well, I'm not far from the mark." "He is certainly extremely youthful-looking and very slightly made," said Thornhill, who had been attentively studying Sheppard's countenance. "But I agree with Hogarth, that he is precisely the person to do what he has done. Like a thorough-bred racer, he would sustain twice as much fatigue as a person of heavier mould. Can I be accommodated with a seat, Mr.

The languid Miss Devine had crossed to the piano, where she sat fingering softly the tuneless keys, her back to the cold barely-furnished room. "Sit down!" commanded saucily Miss Kite, indicating with her fan the vacant seat beside her. "Tell me about yourself. You interest me." Miss Kite adopted a pretty authoritative air towards all youthful-looking members of the opposite sex.

At Jolo, which is the capital of the Moro country, two lean, sun-tanned, youthful-looking men came aboard to greet us: one was the Honorable P. W. Rogers, Governor of the Department of Sulu; the other was Captain Link, a former officer of constabulary who is now the Provincial Treasurer.

We were standing near a table with our hats on and our position, and the exact appearance of the group, is indelibly fixed on my memory when a small and youthful-looking man entered the room, and walked up toward us.

A massive mahogany table, occupying the centre of the cabin, reflected in its polished depths a handsome lamp of white, silvery-looking metal that swung in the skylight, and the locker underneath the trophy was occupied by a slight, youthful-looking, sallow-complexioned man, whose well-oiled hair clustered in coal-black ringlets all over his small, shapely head, while a pair of small, piercing black eyes flashed out from beneath black eyebrows that ran, unbroken, right across the root of the nose, and a set of large, even, pearl-white teeth gleamed through a well-kept, coal-black moustache and beard.

Pirates they were not; but they were perhaps as bad, for both the brig and the barque were Peruvian slavers, sent out to capture and enslave the natives of the South Sea Islands to work the guano deposits of the Chincha Islands. At one end of the cabin table sat the captain of the barque a small-made, youthful-looking man, of not more than twenty-five years of age.

Richard, who had read less and seen more, was bent on business. He was tall for his age, but very slight and youthful-looking, and the contrast of his appearance with that of the company in the little ring, composed as it was of a choice selection of the roughest blackguards in England, was very striking.

At that moment I went up and bowed to Princess Mary. She blushed a little, and went on rapidly: "Is it not true, Monsieur Pechorin, that the grey cloak suits Monsieur Grushnitski much better?"... "I do not agree with you," I answered: "he is more youthful-looking still in his uniform."

We then drove up to the hospital, where Miss Hill, the plucky and youthful-looking matron, received us and showed us round. This girl for she was little more had been the life and prop of the place for the past two months, during which time the resources of the little hospital had been taxed almost past belief.