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The dark eyes that looked back at him seemed filled with wonderment and surprise. Stooping over the cot, Merriwell spoke in his gentlest tones. "How are you, my poor boy?" he said. "They would not let me see you before, saying it was best that you should be quiet and unexcited."

"That is all very well, Sir Ralph, but you must remember that you had a new suit the last time you were in London, and have not worn it from then till now, and I will warrant me that it cost well-nigh as much as Aline's garments or mine." While waiting for the ladies, two sword-belts had been bought for the lads, Edgar's being embroidered with gold thread, Albert's with silver.

You all hearn me: he's crazy, s'I; everything shows it, s'I. Look at that-air grindstone, s'I; want to tell ME't any cretur 't's in his right mind 's a goin' to scrabble all them crazy things onto a grindstone, s'I? Here sich 'n' sich a person busted his heart; 'n' here so 'n' so pegged along for thirty-seven year, 'n' all that natcherl son o' Louis somebody, 'n' sich everlast'n rubbage.

"Eva," she beamed, "from long you have hear Mama speakink over Chonnie Schmitt. Und here wass!" Fortunately Johnnie's right hand was clean. So was his smiling face. "Oh, Mrs. Reisenberger, I thank you for the tel'phone-d'rect'ry," he began gratefully, as the two shook hands. Mrs. Reisenberger was staring at his rags. Also, she was now holding the baby well up and back.

'You can't do it, said the woman. 'You are kind and innocent; but you can't look at me out of a child's eyes. I never should have touched you, but I thought that you were a child. And with a strange, wild cry, she went away.

He stumbled around the lower hallway for several minutes and then called out softly: "Dick! Dick! Where are you?" No answer came back, and he continued his search. Then, lighting a match, he mounted the rickety stairs and called out again. "Phat are ye a-raisin' such a row about?" demanded an Irish voice suddenly, and a front room door was thrown open. "Can't ye let a dasent family slape?"

Tim sighted the Professor about a quarter of a mile back in the town, A darky driving a water-cart was standing up on the shafts, thrashing his mule with the ends of his driving-lines, and urging it, by voice and gesture, to the highest mule-speed: "Git up! git up! you lazy old no-go! Git up! Don't you see dat picter-feller tryin' to took you an' me an' de bar'l? Git up!

"You silly fool! do you think you'll get the ghost of a show when all that lot of brutes is in the water? Why, they will batter your head for you from these boats." 'He wrung his hands, ignored, at Jim's elbow. The skipper kept up a nervous shuffle in one place and mumbled, "Hammer! hammer! Mein Gott! Get a hammer."

It is past twelve o'clock at night, but in spite of the late hour and my fatigue I have been dead tired for a week now I am writing this with the greatest ease, my pen gliding, as it were, over a surface of ice-like slippiness, although my fingers are all blistered from manual work. Why, you will ask?

"Are you going anywhere in particular?" asked the muskrat lady, as she tied her tail in a soft knot. "No, not special," Uncle Wiggily answered. "May I have the pleasure of doing something for you?" he asked with a polite bow, like a little girl speaking a piece in school on Friday afternoon.