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"I tell you I can't think. They do nothing but burn. It's the petroleum!" He started forward, but a slender arm arrested his attempt to rise, and he sank back again as if it had some power over him. "Hyah, miss. Foh de lub ub heaben, put some ub dis yar on he eyes," said Jenifer, who had appeared with a bottle, and was blubbering enough to supply a whole whaling fleet.

He went by with such an easy saunter too, looking me pleasantly in the eye, and merely exchanging the cold salute of the road: "Yar onor, boyoee," a mere sidewalk how d'ye do. After several experiences like this, I began to entertain a sort of respect for Kooloo, as quite a man of the world.

He won't say, w'en wese worked ober time to git some little ting to comfort de sick chile, 'I knows, Pomp, you'se done de work, and I did 'gree to gib you de pay; but de fact am, Pomp, de frost hab come so sudden dis yar, dat I'se loss de hull ob de sebenfh dippin', and I'se pore, so pore, de chile must go widout dis time. No, no, brudders, de bressed Lord He neber talk so.

But she's a winged serubim wid dem as don't rile 'er, an' she'll be awrful good to you for my sake an' Peter's. You see, we was all on us took by the pints at de same time, and we're all Christ'ns but ob course we don't say much about dat yar!" "And am I to be always dumb never to speak at all?" asked Hester, in a rather melancholy tone. "Oh! no bress you!

"Thet's whar you'd be lyin'! That yar heat kem out of the bowels of the yearth, kem up like out of a chimbley or a blast, and kep up that yar fire. And when she cools down a month after, and I got to strip her, there was a hole in the yearth, and a spring o' bilin', scaldin' water pourin' out of it ez big as your waist. And right in the middle of it was this yer."

''Tis against ole Kitchener's wishes, says I. 'Of course it is, says Tommy; 'and wot is more, it's the ruin of dear ole England God bless it! 'Rot yar innards let's go and 'ave some, I says bein' always one to reason out matters to a logical conclusion. "There is a large slag heap in the neighbourhood of Quality Street where the French and Germans met early in the war.

"I admit they don't fit as well as your stockings, but " "Norval." "Madam?" "Behave yourself." "Very good, madam. By the way, what about my wages?" "What do you suggest? I shan't object to anything reasonable." "No? Well, I was getting eleven-three a yar day in my last place, and all found especially all." "'All found''s rather a dangerous phrase." "Not at all.

Then above the dust and din and rush of hurrying feet outside rose, clearer and stronger as hundreds of throats joined the swelling sound, Yar Charyar, the war-cry of the great Sunni sect of Mahomedans. They were coming in their thousands frenzied with fanaticism, and thirsting deep for Christian blood.

The Colonel came up panting. "I've looked all over town for you, and be dashed to you, sir. Who was that with you?" "A lady." "D m 'em all! "Who was it?" asked Culpepper, listlessly. "Jack Folinsbee." "Who?" "Why, the son of that dashed nigger-worshipping psalm-singing Puritan Yankee. What's the matter, now? Look yar, Culp, you ain't goin' back on your blood, ar' ye?

The narrow streets are full of idlers in every attitude of picturesque languor. Mrs. Steele sympathises deeply with the lean and patient little burros with wooden racks on their backs holding on either side a clay jar filled with water. "Efery yar ees two media, about twenty-five cent your money. Vater ees more dearer dthan vine," explains our interpreter.