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This passage was pointed out to me by my friend Professor A.A. Bevan. Dr. Série, xv. p. 584. Chas. N. Bell, "The Mosquito Territory," Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, xxxii. p. 254. William H. Keating, Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. G.B. Grinnell, "Cheyenne Woman Customs," American Anthropologist, New Series, iv.

"Without a doubt," said Crondall, with a broad grin. "You look up Isaiah XXXII. 5. You will find it there, written maybe three thousand years ago, fitting to-day's situation like a glove." On the way out to South Kensington, where I accompanied the ladies, I asked Constance what she thought of my old chum, George Stairs.

"I'll give you a job," he said. "Write a book that will make people hate the idea that the State is God as Moloch was at last hated. Turn the young against it. The latest priest is the politician. No ritual in any religion was worse than this new worship of the State. If men don't wake up to that then they are doomed." He began then to pull me towards humanity again. XXXII. Barbellion

Besides the febrile motions occasioned by irritation, described in Sect. XXXII. and termed irritative fever, it frequently happens that pain is excited by the violence of the fibrous contractions; and other new motions are then superadded, in consequence of sensation, which we shall term febris sensitiva, or sensitive fever.

In the next place, if I say no more than that I have applied myself to honourable pursuits, and have guided the course of my life along the path of rectitude, then you have received more from your benefit than you gave; for you gave me to myself ignorant and unlearned, and I have returned to you a son such as you would wish to have begotten. XXXII. My father supported me.

Since the 30th of June last to the present date, October 28th, there have been but thirteen days with rain, and then the showers were but trifling. In consequence, the surface of the ground, in large tracts of the district, is so parched and withered, that all minor vegetation has nearly ceased, and the wheat-crops that were sown in June, are, we fear, doomed to perish." See Isaiah xxxii. 2.

XXXII. While these things are being transacted, one legion had been sent to forage, according to custom, and no suspicion of war had arisen as yet, and some of the people remained in the country parts, others went backwards and forwards to the camp, they who were on duty at the gates of the camp reported to Caesar that a greater dust than was usual was seen in that direction in which the legion had marched.

On Plate XXXI. we have in figure 4 a representation of the goddess Ishtar, the bride of the Sun-God. Over her we see the phallic symbol of the radiate Sun and Crescent moon in conjunction. On Plate XXXII. we see in figure 23 the Svastika cross under a tree, in a representation of a scarab from Ialysos.

Memory Verse: "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Scripture for Meditation: Gen. xxxii, 24-30; Luke xi, 1-13. Nothing is more essential to the soul-winner than prayer. Prayer will generate a spiritual atmosphere in the individual life. The prayers of many will generate a spiritual atmosphere in a community.

Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. PSALM xxxii. 1, 2. This psalm, which has given healing to many a wounded conscience, comes from the depths of a conscience which itself has been wounded and healed.