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Under the influence of such reminiscences John used to become depressed, and gently prepare Rebecca for the changes that were not far off, when Drumtochty would have a new minister and a new beadle. "The Doctor's failin', Becca, an' it's no tae be expeckit that a 'll be lang aifter him; it wudna be fittin', an' a 'm no wantin' 't.

I tell 't him I never had nowt to dae wi' sulphur i' ma life, an' I wudna begin to bother wi't noo;" and Archie lifted his eyebrows, adjusted his night-cap, and turned upon me a very solemn smile. He doubtless saw by my face that I approved his caution, for I secretly believed that he was right.

"There wudna be muckle profit oot o' that transaction, efter deduckin' the pileeceman's tippence," I says, says I. "Hoo did ye no' juist say that the grund ceenimin was a' dune?" "'Cause that wudda been a lee," said Sandy. "Weel, ye cud sen ye didna ken whaur it was," says I. "That wudda lookit ridic'lous, an' me the mester o' the shop," said Sandy.

"Wurk is a gude handy test," suggested Jamie; "the English hae barely ae r, and the Scotch hae aboot sax in 't." "She wudna say 't, Jamie, though a' gied her a chance, speakin' aboot ae wumman daein' a'thing in the manse, sae a' fell back on church, an' that brocht oot the truth. She didna say 'chich, so she 's no English born, and she didna say 'churrrch, so she 's been oot o' Scotland.

"Mither! a' kent ye wudna forget yir laddie, for ye promised tae come, and a've feenished ma psalm. "And in God's house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. "Gie me the kiss, mither, for a've been waitin' for ye, an' a'll sune be asleep."

'I wudna be dother til a king! returned Kirsty. 'Gien I bed to be born again, I wudna be born 'cep it was to Dauvid Barclay. 'My ain lassie! murmured her father. 'But, eh, he added, interrupting his own thoughts, 'we maun hand oor tongues till we've dune the thing we're sent to du! They bent at once to their task. David was a strong man still, and Kirsty was as good at a lift as most men.

Nae woman to watch over her, and she wandered frae the fold, and a' ye can dae is to tak her oot o' yir Bible. But He sent His ain Son to seek us, an' a weary road He cam. A' tell ye, a man wudna leave a sheep tae perish as ye hae cast aff yir ain bairn. Yir worse than Simon the Pharisee, for Mary was nae kin tae him. Puir Flora, tae hae sic a father."

A' peetied him wi' Tammas lookin' at him sae wistfully, as if he hed the keys o' life an' deith in his hands. But he wes honest, and wudna hold oot a false houp tae deceive a sore hert or win escape for himsel'." "Ye needna plead wi' me, Tammas, to dae the best a' can for yir wife.

"It's the truth, Paitrick, but we 'ill gae on wi' our wark, far a'm failin' fast. If the new doctor be a young laddie and no verra rich, ye micht let him hae the buiks an' instruments; it 'ill aye be a help. "But a' wudna like ye tae sell Jess, for she's been a faithfu' servant, an' a freend tae.

'If you an' me was gaun oor lane to restewrant, I wud tak' ye on; but 'Aw, ye mean it wudna be the thing a tea pairty? 'Hardly. 'Weel, weel, said Willie, with sorry resignation, 'honest money's ill to earn. It wud ha'e been a snip for me. Ha'e ye a match? 'Having lit up: 'Tell us what else I maunna dae at the pairty. Macgregor scratched his head.