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Having passed through 'the fire, may we also receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And oh, may our lives be more and more devoted to His service! Not our own, but bought with a price, may we live more and more unto Him who hath loved us! "Miss Moore was out at nine o'clock in the woodshed; all was safe then. Mrs. She came shivering in to-prayers a little after ten.

Back from the village Twinkleheels came clipping up the road and swung through Farmer Green's front gate as fresh as a daisy. And old Spot, with his tongue lolling out, and panting fast, was glad to lie down on the woodshed step to rest. "My goodness!" said Spot to Miss Kitty Cat. "This Twinkleheels is the goingest animal I ever followed.

And then, as the remembrance of the events of the morning came to him, he laughed again. He had been disturbed at his leisurely coffee and roll by a rapid and ceaseless pounding, followed by a violent rattling, and varied by stifled cries apparently from the woodshed.

The rotten egg put one over on you. See? I'm the rotten egg the rotten egg scout. I should bother my head!" "Go back and pick up those stones, Willetts," said Tom quietly, "and pile them up down by the woodshed." "You didn't even tell them I saved that little bird, did you?" Hervey said, giving way to his feelings of recklessness and desperation. "What do you suppose I care?

Helen was rolling a ball for the head and Dicky had disappeared behind the house to hunt for a cane. "Heigho!" Roger called after him. "I saw an old clay pipe stuck behind a beam in the woodshed the other day. See if it's still there and bring it along." Dicky nodded and raised a mittened paw to indicate that he understood his instructions.

"Well, I can make some oars," said Robert; "but I think there ought to be still another and a better way. I am going to find such a way if I can." The next day Robert's aunt heard a great pounding and sawing in her woodshed. The two boys were there, busily working with hammer and saw. "What are you making, Robert?" she asked.

"Never like to go to sleep without something to catch up: hit somebody 'spose somebody come." "I am sorry to say the captain has his rifle with him, and I lent the shotgun to Jim Brewster this afternoon." He looked annoyed, but he went out into the woodshed and returned with the axe, which was new and sharp. "Have something, anyway," he said, doggedly.

"Come help me, Joel, do." But Joel kicked his feet on the woodshed floor. So little David gave another pull at the box, wavered, and clutched wildly at the air, and before Joel could speak, came tumbling down, and after him, the heavy box, spilling the nails as it fell. He lay quite still, and Joel only stopped to take one look.

But the Volunteers had the pleasure of dropping a hose down the well of the owner of the late lamented woodshed, and pumping the well dry. The Volunteers thus bravely extinguished three fence-posts that had caught fire from the woodshed, and then turned for home, proud in the consciousness of duty performed. They felt sure that they had saved the village from a second Chicago fire.

Having eluded the men sent after him, had he come back to revenge himself upon those who had treated him so ill? This discomforting thought was dissipated by the action of Tippo Sahib. He did not move around as on his former visit, but seemed to be prowling about the woodshed, as if in quest of something. Surely he would not act thus if he meditated an attack upon the inmates of the home!