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Without such a force her game must continue to be destroyed in the future as in the past to supply the markets of Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. The deer law is excellent, and the non-game birds, and the dove and wood-duck are perpetually protected. One fly in the ointment is spring shooting; which for ducks, geese and brant continues from September 1 to April 20.

Elk and antelope will soon be as extinct as the buffalo. BRITISH COLUMBIA: Wild fowl are in the greatest danger in the southern part of the Province, especially the wood-duck. Otherwise birds are increasing rather than otherwise, especially the small non-game birds. The sea otter is almost extinct. MANITOBA: Whooping crane, wood-duck and golden plover.

"With the exception of the wood-duck, this family never perch; they pass the day in dabbling in the water, and sleep upon its surface, or among the reeds." "Then they must always be wet." "Not so; nature has covered the feathers of web-footed birds with an oily substance, which renders their plumage quite water-proof.

Our hostess exerted herself, and we soon sat down to a sumptuous feast, consisting of a brace of fine fat wood-ducks and fried black bass, two dishes I am particularly fond of, and which at this time of the year can always be obtained from the lake. The wood-duck is a delicious bird. It makes its appearance early in the spring, as soon as the ice breaks up.

Common tern, knot, American white pelican, Hudsonian godwit, trumpeter swan, long-billed curlew, snowy heron, Hudsonian curlew, American avocet, prairie sharp-tailed grouse, dowitcher, passenger pigeon. Long-billed dowitcher and northern hairy woodpecker. Wood-duck, ruddy duck, black mallard, grebe or hell-diver, tern and woodcock.

Within the cabin the walls and chimney-piece were dazzlingly bedecked with the party-colored wings of jays, yellow-birds, woodpeckers, kingfishers, and the poly-tinted wood-duck. Yet in that dry, highly-rarefied atmosphere, there was not the slightest suggestion of odor or decay.

Among species likely to be exterminated in the near future are the wood-duck and band-tailed pigeon. COLORADO: Sage grouse and sharp-tailed grouse; nearly all the shore birds. CONNECTICUT: All the shore birds; quail, purple martin. DELAWARE: Wood duck, upland plover, least tern, Wilson tern, roseate tern, black skimmer, oystercatcher, and numerous other littoral species.

"In the middle of the high-tilled and fertile cornfield you come upon some sudden hollow, tangled with brake and bush, which hedge in some small pool where float the brilliant cups and smooth leaves of the water lily, and whence, on your approach, up springs the blue-winged teal or gorgeous wood-duck.

Pileated woodpeckers, bald eagles and all the ducks are much more rare than formerly. Swan are about gone, geese scarce. The list of ducks, geese and shore-birds, as well as of terns and gulls that are nearing extinction is appalling. Wood-duck, woodcock, turtle dove and bob-white. GEORGIA: Ruffed grouse, wild turkey.

The heat had become excessive, but she held her shawl with both hands drawn tightly over her shoulders. Suddenly a wood-duck darted out of the covert blindly into the opening, struck against the blasted trunk, fell half stunned near her feet, and then, recovering, fluttered away.