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The meanness of its appointmentsthe bare and scanty pulpit, with the paltry painted pillars on either sidethe women’s gallery with its great heavy curtainthe men’s with its unpainted benches and dingy frontthe tottering little table at the altar, with the commandments on the wall above it, scarcely legible through lack of paint, and dust and dampso unlike the velvet and gilding, the marble and wood, of a modern churchare strange and striking.

There is left an important fact to consider, which explains the persistence of the women’s authority under marriage conditions much less favourable than the complete maternal form. The Pelew women have another source of power; their position has an industrial as well as a kinship basis.

Thus moralized theIndividual,” the morning after his experiment with the women’s gear, and his failure to learn, at a single lesson, the whole art of catching a wife.

During His Western tours, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá had frequent occasion to explain the Bahá’í teachings on this subject. At a meeting of the Women’s Freedom League in London in January 1913, He said:— Humanity is like a bird with its two wingsthe one is male, the other female. Unless both wings are strong and impelled by some common force, the bird cannot fly heavenwards.

His sagacity in this case was busy in other directions. Women’s words fell into water, but the shortcomings of time-tables remained. The insular nature of Great Britain obtruded itself upon his notice in an odious form. “Might just as well be put under lock and key every night,” he thought irritably, as nonplussed as though he had a wall to scale with the woman on his back.

Before they were aware of our presence, we uttered the usual salutationSabala khayr olsun.” This startled some little boys who were playing in the corner, who yelled, and ran into the haremlük, or women’s apartment. This brought to the door the female occupants, who also uttered a shriek, and sunk back as if in a swoon.

Extracts From Letters and a Telex Written by the Universal House of Justice: Concerning the point you raised in your letter ... that the women’s liberation movement in ... is assuming extreme positions which are having some influence on impressionable Bahá’í young women, we feel it would be helpful if your Assembly were to stress the unique position that women occupy by being members of the Bahá’í Faith particularly through participation in the administration of its affairs on both a local and national scale.

Woman has ever been man’s favourite grumble-vent, from the day when the first man got out of his first scrape by blaming the only available woman!’ True enough, age cannot stale the infinite variety of women’s misdemeanours, as viewed by men; tradition has hallowed the subject, custom carries it on; and probably when the last trump shall sound, the last living man will be found grumbling loudly at the abominable selfishness of woman for leaving him alone, and the last dead man to rise will awake cursing because his wife did not call him sooner!

This necessity is as much a necessity for men as it is for women. The vital germinal spot of each forward step in women’s position must be sought with the women who are the conscious mothers of the race. The great women reformers are not those who would have women act just like men in all externals, but those who are conscious that all men are born of women.

About us it was growing darker and darker, and I had to look hard to see her face, which I meant always to carry with me; the closest, realest face, under all the shadows of women’s faces, at the very bottom of my memory. “I’ll come back,” I said earnestly, through the soft, intrusive darkness.