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"Maybe I'm prejudiced, blindly," he growled, "but I do believe that there is nothing in the world to equal the absolute and refined cruelty of a woman-child of ten unless it is that of a woman of twenty or thirty, and on up the scale when she first finds out that a man cares enough for her so that she can really hurt him!

That year had added life and beauty to the face and form of Redbud, making her a woman-child before she was but a child; and the fine light now in her tender eyes, was a light of thought and mind, the mature radiance of opening intellect, instead of the careless, thoughtless life of childhood.

Here he sought the house where he had left the child. When he had picketed his horse he went in and had her brought to him, a fresh little flower-like woman-child, with hair and eyes that told of her mother, with reminders of her mother's ways as she stood before him, a waiting poise of the head, a lift of the chin.

And Glory walked out into the milk room with the pans she had been scalding. It was true. This woman-child would go all through life as she had begun; discerning always, and reaching spiritually after, that which was beyond; which in that "kingdom of heaven" was hers already; but which to earthly having and holding should never come. God puts such souls, oftener than we think, into such life.