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If he is a kindly husband, he is there much as a friendly visitor, but his real home remains in the house in which he was born.” The husband has no permanent residence in the woman’s house, and at dusk each evening the men may be seen walking across the village to join their wives and families. The father has no rights over his children, who belong wholly to the wife’s suku, or clan.

The old woman’s countenance cleared up instantly; she informed me that she had never been more comfortable in her life; that her trade, her honest tradelaying an emphasis on the word honesthad increased of late wonderfully; that her health was better, and, above all, that she felt no fear and horror ‘here,’ laying her hand on her breast.

You will be merciful to my poor husband, even if he must be arrested for the night. Gods and goddesses! what are these men doing to me?” A stalwart Carthaginian was in the act of knotting a cord around the good woman’s arms preparatory to pinioning them. “Kyrie! kyrie!” she screamed, “they are binding me, too! Methe most loyal woman in Attica.” Democrates scowled and turned his back on her.

They found him in the Woman’s Court. From a lateral chamber a priest, unfit for other than menial services because of a carbuncle on his lip, dropped the wood he was sorting for the altar and gazed curiously at the advancing throng, in which the prisoner was. She must have been very fair, but now her features were distorted with anguish, veiled with shame.

The conditions in past centuries were due to woman’s lack of opportunity. She was denied the right and privilege of education and left in her undeveloped state. Naturally, she could not and did not advance. In reality, God has created all mankind, and in the estimation of God there is no distinction as to male and female.

The father was quite happy as the inconvenience was removed—I dare say he didn’t know how; the children looked merry and cheerful again; the eldest girl was bustling about, making preparations for the first comfortable meal they had had since the distress was put in; and the mother looked pleased to see them all so. But if ever I saw death in a woman’s face, I saw it in hers that night.

Question: Do the Bahá’í women go without veils in the East? Answer: It is not possible for them to do so universally yet, but the conditions are not nearly so restrictive as they were. The Bahá’í men and women meet together. This is the beginning of woman’s emancipation from the thralldom of centuries. Qurratu’l-‘Ayn was really the liberator of all Persian women.

However,” added he, “you will soon be able to judge for yourself. The first lieutenant is one of the old woman’s school, an easy and good kind of person, but not fit to be first of an active frigate. The second lieutenant is a regular-built sailor, and knows his duty well, but he is fond of mast-heading the youngsters when they think they do not deserve it.

Finding that there was but little prospect of obtaining more information by prolonging the interview; and anxious to spare the woman’s feelings, which, subdued at first by a violent effort, were now irrepressible and most painful to witness; the surgeon repeated his promise of calling in the morning at the appointed hour.

The governor sent the head of the trireme around with a grim smile locked about his grizzled lips. It was no woman’s task which lay before them. Exposing her whole broadside lay the long Sidonian; she was helpless, striving vainly to crawl away with her remaining oar banks.