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The next speaker said something about his having lived a good while without, and though Miss Stevens was setting her cap, maybe he wouldn't be caught. But Elsie only gathered the sense of it, hardly heard the words, and, bounding away like a frightened deer to her own room, her little heart beating wildly with a confused sense of suffering, she threw herself on the bed.

Exactly how it was he could not afterwards remember, but all in a moment Liesl, who could perch herself, as it seemed, on nothing at all, pretty, sure-footed Liesl was over the edge! Little Kirl threw himself down on his face in an agony, and peered over the edge, calling and screaming wildly in his despair, for there was no hope of saving poor Liesl. But yes, there was!

The whole scene became a different thing: we were thrown at once into the atmosphere of an armed camp full of turbulent thieves and bandits itching for fighting, and wildly excited with rumours of conflicts near at hand.

Her breath came fitfully. She sighed, turned on her side. She would count one hundred, breathing deep and with closed eyes. "Sixteen, seventeen!" Rachael sat suddenly erect, and looked at her watch again. Twenty-two minutes past three. Morning broke with wind and rain; the new leaves in the square were tossing wildly; sleet struck noisily against the windows.

Immediately upon arrival of the Americans in the Archangel area they had found the French soldiers wildly aflame with the idea that a man captured by the Bolsheviks was bound to suffer torture and mutilation.

"We were in a grassy bottom beside the river. "The nearest cover was a poplar bluff about three hundred yards back. He he must have crawled down to that. I was awakened by a shot. They had got her!" Colina's clenched hands were pressed close together, her head was down. The quiet voice broke out a little wildly. "Ah! I have never, never ceased to blame myself! I should not have slept!

'Twere a stain which time could never efface should a subject of the prince reject my hand! Appease your father if you have the power! Defend yourself as you best may! my resolution is taken. The mine is fired and I abide the issue. FERDINAND remains in speechless astonishment for some moments; then rushes wildly out. SCENE IV. Miller's House. MILLER meeting LOUISA and MRS. MILLER.

He fled like the wind; but the spirit was close behind him, and wherever he turned his head, he saw the familiar face grinning a devilish mockery. A precipice lay before him. He leapt wildly, and knew at once that he had leapt into fire, into hell.

Mary and Annette came behind, and Mary pinched Annette's arm so sharply that she must have cried out aloud had it been possible for her to feel pain at that moment, instead of a personal exultation, flying wildly over the clash of astonishment and horror, like a sea-bird over the foam. In the first silent place they came to, Mary murmured the words: "Little Jane." Annette looked round at Mrs.

One glance was enough. "Good gracious, Fan! Visitors! What a bore!" "Will they come in? Won't your man say you're out?" gasped Fanny, hastily dropping the bit of cake she held and pinning up a roll of hair which had come down in the game. "No they saw us," said Toni wildly. "I never said I wasn't at home and anyway they'd hear us laughing!"