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If, after all, that would make for the rector's happiness "I don't want to find fault with you, Natalie," he said gravely. "I would like to see you happy. Sometimes I think you are not. I have my business, but you have nothing to do, and I suppose you wouldn't be interested in war-work, would you? There are a lot of committees, and since I've been in England I realize what a vast amount is needed.

The Y. W. C. A. made little claim about its work in France, since the United States Government would not, until nearly at the close of the war, allow women to be sent over in the uniforms of any of the war-work organizations.

Before turning to the latest number of the 'Aeroplane, our own particular weekly, one wonders idly how the Lady Helen Toutechose and her emulators, amid their strenuous quick-change war-work, find time to be photographed so constantly, assiduously, and distractingly. We pocket our correspondence and tackle the morning's work.

'Of course, after the news in the paper this morning, and yesterday I was worried till I heard. I knew at any rate I guessed you must have been in it all. And now you are safe, my own own! for three whole blessed weeks. Oh, how well I shall sleep all that time and how much work I shall do! But it won't be all war-work.

Although the first great shock of demobilization and war-work termination has thus been met better than many observers expected, specific industries and specific regions show much unevenness in the progress of reconversion.

"Is cleaning gates the latest form of war-work?" Sara, her face scarlet, answered reluctantly. "I didn't want you to see it." A curious expression flashed into his eyes. "I saw it two hours ago." "And you left it there?" with amazement. "Why not? It's true, isn't it?" And in that moment the long struggle in Sara's heart ended, and she answered out of the fullness of the faith that was in her.

There's sphagnum moss! Everybody up here is gathering sphagnum moss you know for bandages upon the fells. I daresay Bridget might help in that. She won't do any other sort of war-work. 'Why, I thought all women were doing some kind of war-work! 'Bridget won't. She doesn't want to hear about the war at all. She's bored with it. 'Bored with it! Good heavens! Sarratt's countenance clouded.

In my visits to the front and in such war-work as I did at home, I witnessed many striking and even entertaining things, and I saw them at moments of mental concentration and exaltation which no doubt heightened them and sometimes made them assume an interest and importance not altogether their own.

The Allies are bunching their war orders and credits, and England is entitled to hold the bag since she is carrying the financial burden. England's war finance is not wholly measured in her expenses or loans to other countries. In a single issue of a London paper you can count daily reports of more than a dozen charitable funds connected with the war-work.

England seemed quite unprepared for anything so unorthodox, and the general impression borne in on me was that I was a complete nuisance. There was no recognized hospital for "the likes of us" to go to, and I was taken to a civilian one where war-work seemed entirely at a discount.