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Je voudrais aller la voir de suite, mais je suis tellement retenu par mon travail; et puis le bon arrangement de ce travail et son heureux succes m'avaient fait regagner un peu ma serenite d'esprit, et maintenant je souffre de nouveau pour mon oncle et ma tante. Vraiment c'est penible d'etre la avec son dernier enfant qui s'en va si vite.

And there, too, half effaced by the damp, are fragments of inscriptions, which tell the same piteous tale of regret for vanished days and weary longings for the end that would not come. "Quand Mort me assault et que je ne puis mourir Et se courir on ne me veult, mais me faire rudesse Et de liesse me voir bannir. Que dois je plus guèrir?" Or this

Mais il est bien plus fréquent de voir des montagnes dont les couches ont la forme d'une demi-voûte, et qui vues de profil présentent, comme notre montagne de Saleve, un pente douce d'une coté, et des escarpemens de l'autre.

The happy moment is at length arrived when I can despatch a letter from Spithead. Yours of yesterday is in my hand. To-morrow you will be setting off; but I fear the service will prevent our meeting till the day after. "I have despatched Dumaresq to Newport for our dear boy; and I depend on seeing him to-night. Le Duc est empressé de le voir.

Ah, the pretty song, 'En revenant d'Auvergne!" And she began to sing as she played: "Eh, gai, Coco! Eh, gai, Coco! Eh, venez voir la danse Du petit marmot! Eh, venez voir la danse Du petit marmot!" The little girl pressed closer against the wall, her eyes wide open, her finger in her mouth, yet came nearer and nearer, drawn by the smile as well as the music.

"I ought to have taken it for granted." "We give entertainments together," said Elodie. "He sings and I take the birds. Ah! the poilus. They are like children. When Riquiqui takes off Paulette's cap they twist themselves up with laughing. Il faut voir ca." This was all news to Andrew, and it delighted him beyond measure.

The wheelwright turned a deaf ear and went on planing, singing: “Attendez-moi sur l’orme; Vous m’attendrez longtemps.” “I don’t think he hears me,” said Death. “Ho! friend, are you ready?” “Va-t-en voir s’ils viennent, Jean, Va-t-en voir s’ils viennent,” replied the singer. “Would the brute laugh at me?” said Death to himself. And he tried to rise.

Le duc voulut me voir, ainsi que madame la duchesse son épouse. J'assistai

Probably the man Grousset noticed my emotion, for he came to my rescue and said, politely, "Madame Moulton, j'ai eu l'honneur de vous voir a un bal a l'Hotel de Ville l'annee derniere." I looked up with surprise. He was a very handsome fellow, and I remembered quite well having seen him somewhere; but did not remember where.

Only one person called, "Au 'voir, M'sieu' Jean Jacques!" and no one followed him a curious, assertive, feebly-brisk, shock-headed figure in the brown velveteen jacket, which he had bought in Paris on his Grand Tour.