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And after Josiah and me got settled down in our room, a good-lookin' one, though small, the children sot off for their hotel, which wuzn't so very fur from ourn, nigh enough so that they could be sent for easy, if we wuz took down sudden, and visey versey. Her husband had been a man of wealth, as you could see plain by the house that he left her a-livin' in.

But what them hours of frenzied effert could not accomplish, that one still, small groan did. I love that man. I almost worship him, and he me, vise versey, and the same. We found that Ardelia Tutt had been to see us in our absence. She had been into our room I see, for she had dropped one of her mits there.

And oh, the queer moon landscapes! the queer moony animals and moon creeters I passed! But all in vain, no Josiah blessed my longin' vision. And with my brain turnin' over and my heart achin', I agin entered the air-ship and returned to terry cotta; or mebby I hain't got it right in my agitation, mebby I'd ort to say visey versey. 'Tennyrate I found myself out in Luny Park agin.

Ain't you never hearn as how misery loves company? The more miserable you are the more company you'll have, an' vice versey, etcetery an' the same." "Hush!" warned the blacksmith, in a harsh whisper. "He's a-comin'!" "City feller," grumbled Mr. Blake, affecting not to see. "Good-morning," said Harlan, pleasantly, though not without an air of condescension.

I thought it wouldn't do any hurt to let him think it over about the job a man took on himself when he sot out to represent a woman. They wouldn't like it in lots of ways, as willin' as they seem to be in print. Wimmen go through lots of things calm and patient that would make a man flinch and shy off like a balky horse, and visey versey.

She had been sick for a long spell, she had consumption and dropsy, and so forth, and so forth, for a long time, and after he wuz brought in dead, she didn't live a week. She thought her eyes of him, for no earthly reason as I could ever see. How strange, how strange a dispensation of Providence it duz seem, that some women love some men, and vicy versey and the same.

Our noses had regained their natural color, and on the third day Rosy with a last warm kiss and sweet smile on me and visey versey went home, Royal carryin' her in his new covered buggy, drawed by them two handsome gray horses. They wuz engaged, and their plans all made, they wuz to be married in the summer and go to the St. Louis Exposition on their weddin' tower.

They made the room look perfectly beautiful. And they each of 'em, the two childern and their companions, brought home a motto framed in nice plush and gilt frames, which they put up on each side of the settin' room, and left them there as a present to their pa and me. They think a sight of us, the childern do and visey versey, and the same.

How I did hate to part with sweet Dorothy, I loved her and she me visey versey. And Robert Strong, he sot up in my heart next to Thomas J., and crowdin' up pretty clost to him too. Miss Meechim also had her properties, and we had gone through wearisome travel, dangers and fatigues, pleasant rest, delightful sight-seeing, poor vittles, joy and grief together, and it wuz hard to break up old ties.

And then I say to him in a tender axent, for his devotion truly touched me: "There is a difference in heads, Josiah." But he looked so worried that I most promised him I wouldn't try to write about the trip oh! how that man loves me, and I him visey versey.