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I've savun' consuderable these days, though pickun's uz no what they used to be, an' we hov a tidy nest-egg laid by. I wull see the father an' hove the money ready tull hus hond, so uf I'm ot sea he can buy whenever the land offers." He rubbed the frosted moisture from the inside of the window and peered out at the pouring rain, through which he could discern nothing.

"And when you're a midwife, Froken Hagen might quite well marry a doctor, you know." "Silly! There's no chance with hands like mine." "Do you think your hands are too big for you to marry a doctor?" "Uf! you ARE a crazy thing. Ha-ha-ha!" "Ha-ha-ha!" They both snuggled down under the clothes, with the sense of ease and peace that comes from sharing a room with a good friend in a happy humour.

"You will die like a hero, and we'll bury you with all the honors of war." "Yah!" snorted Hans. "Dot vos nice I don'd pelieve! I don'd care apout dot honors uf var! Oh, Shimminy Gristmas! vot a fool a blamed fool vos!" "I am surprised at you," said Frank, sternly. "You should be proud to perish in such a heroic manner." "Oh, yaw! I peen tickled to death mit a pullet. Id vos fun!"

She would ha' been sweeput o' all honds an' stucks an' everythung afore she could a-fetched up. There was naught tull do but keep on runnun'. An' uf ut worsened we were lost ony way, for soon or late that overtakun' sea was sure tull sweep us clear over poop an' all. "Dud I say ut was a God-Almighty gale? Ut was worse nor thot.

'His name's Saunders. We call him Red becus uf his hair. "'I'm sure I beg your pardon, says Miss Loys, all of a fluster. "'That's all right, ma'am; no damage done at all, says I. 'It's useless for me to try to conceal the fact that my hair is a little on the auburn. You mustn't mind what Darragh says. We've had a good deal of hot weather lately and his brains have gone wrong.

"If ye fool around here all night it will git so thunderin' dark I can't see ter hit ther middle button on the Dutchman's coat." "Vos you goin' to abologize?" shouted Hans. "Be you goin' to run away?" demanded Ephraim. "Uf you don'd abologize, I voss a dead man," cried the Dutch lad, threateningly. "Ef you don't run away, you're a dead man," declared the Vermonter.

This was barely settled when there came a sharp rap on the door. "Git under cover quick!" hissed Tad. "That must be one of 'em!" Tad and Hans made haste to squeeze in behind the organ, and Frank crept under the sofa. "Shimminy Gristmas!" muttered the Dutch lad, "uf id don'd peen britty tight blace here den I ton't know somedings."

You just fill out the party. You make it complete. This is indeed a great reunion of the old flock. Tell us what you are doing, Hans." "Dit you not heard me on der flute play? I vos a musiga. Der heart uf me vos so full uf musig alretty dot I haf to play it oudt to keep from pursting vide open." "Here comes some more visitors, Merry," called Diamond. "I think we know them."

I asked him if he wouldn't come over and just look at my goods, that I could save him money and give him a prettier line of patterns and neater made stuff than he was buying. "'Ach! Dat's de sonk dey all sink, said the old German. 'I'm sotisfite mit de line I haf. Sell 'em eesy und maig a goot brofit. Vat's de use uf chanching anyvay, alretty?

"If you're looking for practice, Dale," said Frank, "perhaps we can accommodate you. We feel like playing a little baseball ourselves." "Yah!" put in Hans, who declined to be repressed. "Ve pelief der game uf paseball can play us some. Der practice vos oudt uf us a whole lot, but all der same ve vill dood our pest to dood you up. Between der acts I vill gif you a melodious selection der flute on.