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I see girls all the way along down gettin' acquainted on the cars and boats we come east on the Ogdensburg road to Rouse's Point, and then took the boat down Lake Champlain and Lake George but she always seemed to hold back. I don't know's she's proud either; I can't make it out. It balls my wife all up, too. I tell her she's fretted off all the good her trip's goin' to do her before she got it."

Nevertheless, she felt very sorry for the little dog trotting along towards sure disappointment, and once again she quite forgot that she had intended to be cold and distant to Trip's master. The old buggy rattled along through alternate sunshine and shade.

Henry looked at him commiseratingly, and said, "I'll be almighty glad when this trip's over." "What d'ye mean by that?" Bill demanded. "I mean that this load of ourn is gettin' on your nerves, an' that you're beginnin' to see things." "I thought of that," Bill answered gravely. "An' so, when I saw it run off across the snow, I looked in the snow an' saw its tracks.

Bill uttered an exclamation. It was all that was left of Spanker the stick with which he had been tied. "They ate 'm hide an' all," Bill announced. "The stick's as clean as a whistle. They've ate the leather offen both ends. They're damn hungry, Henry, an' they'll have you an' me guessin' before this trip's over." Henry laughed defiantly.

At a later hour Trip's Dutch-Belgian cavalry-brigade ran away in such haste and disorder that some squadrons of German hussars experienced great difficulty in maintaining their ground against the dense crowd of fugitives.

As a specimen of his quaint and far-sought witticisms, the following passage in the same speech may vie with Trip's "Post-Obit on the blue and silver, &c." Having described the effects of the weather in increasing or decreasing the weight of the stock, beyond the exact standard established in the Act, he adds,

"Where the hills begin again, that's the reservation," said Charlie. "Where are the pines?" asked Lydia. "I thought it was all pines." "You'll see plenty, before the trip's over. Just beyond that group of buildings is the reservation line." The buildings Charlie pointed to were the first that had appeared in several miles.

"The trip's did wonders for you. You look well, bloomin' isn't hardly strong enough. Miss Prentice, I want you to meet my wife you must." "Thanks so much." A certain dryness momentarily disconcerted Mr. Wentz. With a shade of chagrin Mr. Wentz returned to his desk, telling himself inelegantly that she was "feeling her oats."

"D'ye know," said Redhand, removing his pipe for a few minutes and blowing aside the heavy wreaths of tobacco smoke that seemed unwilling to ascend and dissipate themselves "d'ye know, now that this trip's over, I'm inclined to think it's about the roughest one I've had for many a year? An' it's a cur'ous fact, that the rougher a trip is the more I like it."

But Luck was already walking slowly toward the hogans and looking back frequently, so Applehead contented himself by saying, "You wait till this yere trip's over, 'fore ye git so dang funny in yore remarks, young man!" and stalked after Luck, hitching his six-shooter forward as he went. At the shed, the Indian who had peered after Pink stood in the doorway and stared unwinkingly as they came up.