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The ship was now well in the air, and beginning to move away from the fort. But they were only ten miles away, and Murray had hardly expected that Balta would be in such a hurry. "You get off here!" Balta said, and Murray felt the muzzle of the neuro-pistol on his spinal column. A grinning soldier seized a countersunk ring and raised the trap-door.

At last, however, came what we had waited for so long. The treasure had been found. It was up at the top of the house, in Mr. Bartholomew Sholto's chemical laboratory. I came at once and had a look at the place, but I could not see how with my wooden leg I was to make my way up to it. I learned, however, about a trap-door in the roof, and also about Mr. Sholto's supper-hour.

He felt of the ring and soon became convinced that it was attached to a trap-door of some kind. "If it's a trap-door it must lead to a cellar!" said Stover, hurriedly. "I hope to heaven it does. Try it, lad, an' be quick!" Both crawled from the narrow opening, and Dan pulled upon the ring with all of his strength. Up came a trap-door about two feet square.

Lady Ratcliff and her fair daughters had climbed every pass, viewed every pine- shrouded ruin, heard every groan, and lifted every trap-door in company with the noted heroine of Udolpho.

By way of reply the figure shuffled to one side, and, taking the hand from his shoulder, pointed silently to a trap-door in the floor behind him. As he looked, he saw it was being shut down stealthily by some one beneath. "Hush!" whispered the figure, almost inaudibly. "He's watching!" "Who's watching?" he cried, curiosity taking the place of every other emotion. "I want to see."

Vegetables are also preserved during the winter in cellars, dug generally under the fire-place, in a log hut. A trap-door leads to the cellar. Here potatoes, carrots, turnips, and other roots are stored, and kept free from frost. The snow at length melted, and spring came on as it were in a day.

Indeed, a rat caught in a trap, was never more firmly laid by the heels than I. At about half-past seven o'clock a small trap-door, which I had not noticed near the ground and the main door, was opened, and a grimy hand made its way in and placed upon the floor a cup of coffee and a roll. Then it was closed once more and made secure.

All about you is the wine country the names of towns and villages round about read like a wine-card and, as you are lunching in some little side-street restaurant, a table is moved away, a trap-door opens, and monsieur the proprietor looks on while the big casks of claret are rolled in from the street and lowered to the cellar and the old casks hauled up again.

The hypnotist reversed the lever. The trap-door closed. Locke was dragged beneath the rope and it was adjusted around his neck. Even in this awful moment his sole thought was of Eva. Would they throw her, unconscious, down the same yawning trap? Powerless, he stood bound, fascinated, as he saw three emissaries seize her.

Then she jobbed me with a bayonet, and acted as no woman orter act toward her lawful husband, no matter how long they'd bin married, let alone their weddin' night." "Sorry, but it's agin all my principles to separate man and wife," said Shorty, as he moved to the puncheon trap-door and undid the hasp.