United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But Shannon still stood in the doorway, and short of walking straight into him there was no way for Drew to leave. Johnny was smiling a littlejust as he had back in Tubacca in Topham’s office before the race. "Seems like you’ve got you a four-legged gold mine there, Kirby," he said. "Better keep your eyes peeledgold claims have been jumped before in this country.

There’s a certain strain of bull-headed independence common to RenniesI’ve met it head-on several times myself. And your choice was your own to make. But this ... yes, it is just the move Shannon would make, given suspicion to push him into action. And now it may be pushing him even farther." Drew was a little bewildered by Topham’s ready acceptance of his story without any proof.

Manta, the unbleached muslin which served to cover such openings in the frontier ranches, was tacked taut, allowing in air but only subdued light. The walls had been smoothly plastered, and as in Topham’s office, lengths of colorful woven materials and a couple of Navajo blankets served as hangings. Rugs of cougar and wolf skin were scattered on the beaten earth of the floor.

"Yesterday——" Drew tried to think back to how he had felt yesterday about Topham’s warning and how he himself had held the absurd belief that if Don Cazar was going to be in trouble, Drew himself wanted to be there. That was yesterday. But still he pointed his horse southto the place where Hunt Rennie would return, bringing Johnny Shannon. The Kentuckian fell back on the old "wait and see."

And how in the immensity of this hostile country, they could fulfill Topham’s hopes and lead the troop patrol to Rennie’s posse, was something the Kentuckian did not even try to answer. The border lay south.

Drew could not see which of the troopers had burst out with that, but in his present mood all bluecoats were the enemy. "Dirty Yanks!" Anse’s eyes were fully focused nowright on the sergeant. Anse struggled to get up, but Topham’s hands on his shoulders held him down. His hand went to his holster, and Drew’s fist came down on the Texan’s wrist, hard. "See that thar, Sarge!

Somehow Drew got an arm under Anse’s shoulders and tried to hoist him up. The Kentuckian swallowed blood from his lip and glared at Muller. "Suppose you ask those high-binders of yours!" he snapped. And once more it was Sergeant Rennie who spoke. Other hands joined his to boost Anse. With Topham’s aid Drew regained his feet and got the staggering Texan, still half unconscious, onto a chair.

And Topham’s face was sober when he had finished. The gambler brought the top book of the pile down on the bar with a thud. "I don’t like it!" "Jus’ ornery meanness, warn’t it? There’s always a few hombres in any outfit as tries to push when they gits a slug or two under their belts," Nye observed. "True. Only Helms went out of his way this time. And I’d like to know what triggered him into it.