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And, as I say, the German army knows of this, and knows that it cannot prevent it because of its aerial weakness. That knowledge is not the last among the forces that is crumpling up the German resistance upon the Somme. I visited some French guns during the tir de demolition phase. I counted nine aeroplanes and twenty-six kite balloons in the air at the same time.

The Irish inscription consists of the following lines: Do mhiannaich se ardmath Cum tir a breith Do thug se clu a's fuair se moladh An deig a bais. The following is the English inscription: In Memory of THOMAS ADDIS EMMET, Who exemplified in his conduct, And adorned by his integrity. The policy and principles of the UNITED IRISHMEN

A battalion of the 128th, which he had ordered that afternoon to the very garrison at South La Tir that he had once commanded, was marching through the main avenue. Youths all, of twenty-one or two, they were in a muddy-grayish uniform which was the color of the plain as seen from the veranda of the Galland house.

Shortly after Stransky had finished his meal Minna came to say that Major Dellarme wished to speak to Miss Galland. Dellarme a major! This was his reward for his part in filling the ambulances with groans! In the days when he was at the La Tir garrison he had been a frequent caller.

In the darkness the first battalion marched out at right angles to the main road that ran through La Tir and South La Tir. At length Company B, deployed in line of skirmishers, lay down to sleep on its arms. "We wait here for the word," Fracasse, the captain, whispered to his senior lieutenant. "If it comes, our objective is the house and the old castle on the hill above the town."

Thanks to skilful surgery working ingeniously with splintered bone and pulpy flesh, there was nothing unpleasant to the eye in a stiffened wrist and scarred knuckles slightly misshapen. The fingers, incapable of spreading much, were yet serviceable and had a firm grip of the wheel as he rose from the aeroplane station on the Sunday morning after Marta's return home for a flight to La Tir.

"The 128th Regiment has been ordered to South La Tir, but no order yet given for the 132d, whose place it takes," Turcas went on. "Let it remain for the present!" Westerling replied. After they had withdrawn, the look that passed between Turcas and Bouchard was a pointed question. The 132d to remain at South La Tir!

You find every morning in your room a programme for the day. Dejeuner a onze heures. Chasse a tir a deux heures. Comedie Francaise a neuf heures. So you know what to wear and what to expect; but the invitation to tea is always made by the Empress's private huissier, who knocks at your door toward five o'clock and announces, "Her Majesty the Empress desires your presence at five o'clock."

I said, looking at the button, "Last year your Majesty gave me a gold medal for singing a Benedictus; now I shall sing a hallelujah for this." "It is not worth so much," the Emperor said, with a kind smile. "Would you like to accompany me this afternoon," he asked, "and see for yourself what a chasse a tir is?" I answered that I should be delighted, and said, "Shall I come with a gun?"

A variant adds some particulars, from which it appears that Oisin was not only husband of the queen, but also rightful monarch of Tir na n'Og. For in that land was a strange custom. The office of king was the prize of a race every seven years.