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The food given them was wretched. They were anxious, dirty, and unkempt. Though he would not admit it even to himself, the camera man was oppressed by the shadow of a possible impending fate. The whim of a tyrant regardless of human life might at any hour send them to a firing squad. Threewit sat gloomily on the stool, elbows on knees and chin resting on his fists.

At that he couldn't have reached here more than a few minutes before me." "Quite a Sherlock Holmes, aren't you?" "Bet you a week's salary that if we go out to the stables we find one of the horses still wet with sweat from a long run." "Go you once," retorted Threewit promptly. "Wait just a jiffy till I get more clothes on." Steve's prediction was verified.

It was up to him to mask his face and manner with the stoicism of an Apache. At a little distance he saw Farrar and Threewit, both of them very anxious and pale. He would have called a greeting to them except that he was afraid it might prejudice their chances. Captain Holcomb passed in front of him and stopped. "Mornin', Steve," he said. "Mornin', captain."

The "bad men" of Yeager's acquaintance had usually been quiet, soft-spoken citizens, notable chiefly for a certain chilliness of the eye and an efficient economy of expression that eliminated waste. Those that Threewit featured were of a different type. They strutted and bragged and made gun plays on every possible occasion. Perhaps this was why Harrison's stuff got across.

Don't be foolish, Steve." She caught the lapels of his coat and shook him fondly. "If you don't know when you're well off, your friends do. We're not going to let you go." "Threewit and Farrar," he reminded her. "They'll have to take their chance. Besides, Pasquale isn't going to hurt them. There wouldn't be any sense in it. So there's no use us getting panicky."

We were brought here by the lie that Yeager lay here dying and had sent for us. In no way have we harmed you. Before you go too far, remember that our Government will not tolerate any foul play. We are not stray sheepherders. Our friends are close to the President. They have his ear and " Pasquale leaned forward and snapped his fingers in the face of Threewit.

Lennox looked, straight at him. "Nothing doing. And I serve notice right here that I'll have no more trouble with you. If it's got to come to that either you or I will quit the company." The bully's eyes narrowed. "Which one of us?" "It'll be up to Threewit to pass on that." Harrison put on his coat and slouched sulkily out of the building.

I'm going to leave you in the corral with the horses. If Frank and I should slip up and get caught you'll still have a chance to get away." "I'm going through with it just the same as you boys," insisted the director shakily. "You're going to do as I say, Threewit. I'm elected boss of this rodeo. One of us has got to stay by the horses to make sure they're ready when we need 'em.

Was there the faintest flitter of relief on the lowering face? Steve could not be sure. "Well, I'll dress and join you downstairs, Mr. Threewit. With you in a minute." "We got no time to lose. Mind if we talk here, Harrison?" Without waiting for permission the extra pushed into the room and began his story. "Must 'a' been about six miles back that we threw off the trail and camped.

Harrison was off again in crisp and crackling language. When at last his vocabulary was exhausted, he turned savagely upon Threewit and Farrar. "I'll see Pasquale gets the right dope on you fellows too. You're a pair of damned fools for coming here, believe me. If the old man can't get Yeager, he'll take his friends instead. Didn't I tell you I'd make you sick of what you did to me, Threewit?