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Already Time’s kindly hand has begun to drape the scene of the catastrophe with a decent mourning veil of grey and green, for the hardy succulent plants that can withstand the sun’s fierce rays and can thrive despite the boisterous salt sea-winds are already sprouting from every crack and cranny of the riven earth.

We do not often see the sun in times of flood, señor. Rain often falls very heavily, and even when it does not do so there is, you see, a mist in the air rising from this vast expanse of water. Besides, it is only when it is directly overhead that the sun’s rays penetrate the foliage, and at that time it is too high for the shadows to afford much guidance.

An appropriate place for their further evolution was prepared onMars.” Even as far back as the time when the soul was still united with the sun, and was incorporating the sun’s air elements within itself, certain souls were proving unfit to participate in the earth’s evolution. They were too powerfully affected by the earthly bodily form.

The known law of gravitation would then cause them to agglomerate in masses, which would assume the shape our planets actually exhibit; would acquire, each about its own axis, a rotatory movement; and would in that state revolve, as the planets actually do, about the sun, in the same direction with the sun’s rotation, but with less velocity, because in the same periodic time which the sun’s rotation occupied when his atmosphere extended to that point.

Though nearly in the centre of the torrid zone, the sun’s rays are not so intolerable as might be imagined, on account of the perpetual verdure and refreshing north-east breeze.

Past, present, and future, do not constitute so many different kinds of rising; they are the designations belonging to the event asserted, to the sun’s rising to-day. They affect, not the predicate, but the applicability of the predicate to the particular subject.

It remains stored until the carbon of the plant again unites with the oxygen of the air, as in combustion. See text. *The Sun’s Energy in Food and Oxygen.*—Food is derived directly or indirectly from plants and sustains the same relation to the oxygen of the air as do the plants themselves. When a person eats the food and breathes the oxygen, this energy becomes the possession of the body.

Though the sun’s rays illumine every darkest corner of the globe, still the blind can have no share in the glory, and though the rain of heavenly mercy come down in torrents over all the earth, no shrub or flower will bloom from a barren land. O thou who seekest the Kingdom of heaven! This world is even as the body of man, and the Kingdom of God is as the spirit of life.

Spirit is the lamp; mind is the light which shines from the lamp. Spirit is the tree, and the mind is the fruit. Mind is the perfection of the spirit and is its essential quality, as the sun’s rays are the essential necessity of the sun. This explanation, though short, is complete; therefore, reflect upon it, and if God wills, you may become acquainted with the details.

We not only do not know of any reason why the sun’s attraction and the force in the direction of the tangent co-exist in the exact proportion they do, but we can trace no coincidence between it and the proportions in which any other elementary powers in the universe are intermingled.