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A small village five or six miles to the southwest was also bitterly contested. Our cavalry did some excellent work, capturing small hills held with machine-guns. We advanced down the road beside the hills. A mile before reaching Tuz we ran into the Aq Su, a large stream flowing through a narrow cleft in the hills.

El sufragio femenino es consecuencia de la educación de la mujer; es consecuencia, también, de su libertad de conciencia. Por el voto se expresa la política, como por el culto la religiosa. No hay razón para impedirle a la mujer el acceso a las urnas como no la hay para privarla de ir al templo.

El hombre como la mujer está lleno de deberes: en cumplirlos ordenada y totalmente está el verdadero mérito. ¿No dedica la mujer filipina una parte a veces considerable de su tiempo a la iglesia y a otros deberes llamados de sociedad, a ir de visitas o recibirlas, a concurrir a fiestas, teatros y bailes?

"The mission to Ku Su," he explained, "to find tutors, to purchase servant girls, and to obtain musical instruments, and theatrical properties and the like, my uncle has confided to me; and as I'm to take along with me the two sons of a couple of majordomos, and two companions of the family, besides, Tan P'ing-jen and Pei Ku-hsiu, he has, for this reason, enjoined me to come and see you, uncle."

Su señoria was an "ideologue" of immense talent, but ever removed from reality; he would govern peoples in accordance with theories dug out of books, without paying any attention to practical considerations, to the individual and indestructible character possessed by every nation!...

The Royal Court, too, caught on a sudden marching in their robes, turns to and joins the cortegee, and the little birds a-tweeting-tweeting, and two parsons at the grave. Pardingue, the Lord was with me that day, and " The apprentice laughed a dry, mirthless laugh of disbelief and ridicule. "Ba su, master, the Lord was watching you. There was two silver bits inside that coffin, on Sieur's eyes."

MARTIN FERNANDEZ DE NAVARRETE: Coleccion de los viajes y descubrimientos que hicieron par mar los españoles, etc. Madrid, 1858-59. Coleccion de Documentos ineditos ... sacados en su mayor parte del R. Archivo de Indias. Madrid, 1864. IGNAZIO CIAMPI: Pietro Martire d'Anghiera, in volume xxx of the Nuova Antologia, 1875.

With that she entered the room, threw back her mantle and took off her turban. Li Dsing saw that she was a maiden of eighteen or nineteen. She bowed to him, and when he had replied to her greeting she began: "I have dwelt in the house of Yang Su for a long time and have seen many famous people, but none who could equal you. I will serve you wherever you go!"

Pero acordémonos de que Cervantes para huir de la inverosimilitud que de la exageración debía resultar, hizo loco realmente y enfermo a su héroe, y una enfermedad no es un carácter.

We feared the balmy air we feared the cloudless sky, the flower-covered earth, and delightful woods, for we looked on the fabric of the universe no longer as our dwelling, but our tomb, and the fragrant land smelled to the apprehension of fear like a wide church-yard. Pisando la tierra dura de continuo el hombre esta y cada passo que da es sobre su sepultura.