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Live and let live, eh, Susy? Haven't we all got a right to our Affinities? I hear you're following our example yourself. First-rate idea: I don't mind telling you I saw it coming on last summer at Venice. Caught you at it, so to speak! Old Nelson ain't as blind as people think. Here, let's open another bottle to the health of Streff and Mrs. Streff!"

It was true that one didn't habitually associate Streff with such demonstrations; but she had not that excuse for surprise, for even in Venice she had begun to notice that he looked at her differently, and avoided her hand when he used to seek it. No she ought not to have been surprised; nor ought a kiss to have been so disturbing.

But at least I can be of use in other ways hang it, you know, I can even lend you money. There's a new sensation for our jaded palates!" "Oh, Streff... Streff!" she could only falter; and he pressed on gaily: "Try it, now do try it I assure you there'll be no interest to pay, and no conditions attached. And promise to let me know when you've decided anything."

"Of course I'll come, Streff dear!" she cried, with an effort at gaiety that sounded successful to her own strained ears, and reflected itself in the sudden lighting up of his face. She waved a good-bye from the step, saying to herself, as she looked after him: "He'll drive me home to-night, and I shall say 'yes'; and then he'll kiss me again. But the next time it won't be nearly as disagreeable."

But nothing like as soon " He grinned sardonically. "There'd be more margin." He appeared to wait for her to speak. "And what else on earth are you going to do?" he concluded, as she still remained silent. "Oh, Streff, I couldn't marry you for a reason like that!" she murmured at length. "Then marry me, and find your reason afterward."

Nowhere. I think I'm going back to Versailles." "Because I've disgusted you so deeply? Just my luck when I came over to ask you to marry me!" She laughed, but he had become suddenly grave. "Upon my soul, I did." "Dear Streff! As if now " "Oh, not now I know. I'm aware that even with your accelerated divorce methods " "It's not that. I told you it was no use, Streff I told you long ago, in Venice."

And she thought to herself that this certainty of oblivion must be bitterer than any certainty of pain. A silence had fallen between them. He broke it by rising from his seat, and saying with a shrug: "You'll end by driving me to marry Joan Senechal." Susy smiled. "Well, why not? She's lovely." "Yes; but she'll bore me." "Poor Streff! So should I " "Perhaps.